
module Options

: sig
type version = string
type common_option = [
| `UseGUI of Support.Common.yes_no_maybe
| `Verbose
| `Help
| `DryRun
| `WithStore of string
| `ShowVersion
| `NetworkUse of Zeroinstall.General.network_use
type version_restriction_option = [
| `Before of version
| `NotBefore of version
| `RequireVersion of version
| `RequireVersionFor of Zeroinstall.General.iface_uri * version
type other_req_option = [
| `WithMessage of string
| `SelectCommand of string
| `Cpu of string
| `Os of string
| `Source
type select_option = [ ]
type generic_select_option = [
| `Refresh
| `ShowHuman
| `ShowXML
type zi_option = [
| `ShowFullDiff
| `ShowRoot
| `UseHash of string
| `ShowManifest
| `ShowDigest
| `MainExecutable of string
| `Wrapper of string
| `Background
type tools = < config : Zeroinstall.General.config; ui : Zeroinstall.Ui.ui_handler; download_pool : Zeroinstall.Downloader.download_pool; distro : Zeroinstall.Distro.distribution; make_fetcher : Zeroinstall.Progress.watcher -> Zeroinstall.Fetch.fetcher; trust_db : Zeroinstall.Trust.trust_db; set_use_gui : Support.Common.yes_no_maybe -> unit; use_gui : Support.Common.yes_no_maybe; release : unit >
type global_settings = {
# config
: Zeroinstall.General.config;
# tools
: tools;
# mutable verbosity
: int;
type zi_arg_type =
# | Dir
# | ImplRelPath
# | CommandName
# | VersionRange
# | SimpleVersion
# | CpuType
# | OsType
# | Message
# | HashType
# | IfaceURI