
module Gpg

: sig

Use GnuPG to check the digital signatures on feeds.

type fingerprint = string
type timestamp = float
type sig_error =
# | UnsupportedAlgorithm of string
# | UnknownKey of string
# | UnknownSigError of int
type valid_details = {
# fingerprint
: fingerprint;
# timestamp
: timestamp;
type signature =
# | ValidSig of valid_details
# | BadSig of string
# | ErrSig of sig_error
type key_info = {
# name
: string option;
val string_of_sig : signature -> string

A human-readable description of a signature.

val import_key : Common.system -> string -> unit Lwt.t

Run "gpg --import" with this data as stdin.

val get_key_name : Common.system -> fingerprint -> string option Lwt.t

Get the first human-readable name from the details.

val verify : Common.system -> string -> (signature list * string) Lwt.t

Verify the GPG signature at the end of data (which must be XML). Returns the list of signatures found, plus the raw stderr from gpg (which may be useful if you need to report an error).

val load_keys : Common.system -> fingerprint list -> key_info Common.StringMap.t Lwt.t

Load a set of keys at once. Returns a map from fingerprints to information.
