
module Element

: sig

Type-safe access to the XML formats. See: http://0install.net/interface-spec.html http://0install.net/selections-spec.html

Internally, all _ t types are just Support.Qdom.element, but we add a phantom type parameter to avoid mix-ups. e.g. a [`command] t is an element that we know is a <command>.

The type parameter is a polymorphic variant because many commands work on multiple element types. For example, many elements have an 'interface' attribute, so the interface function accepts multiple types.

type +'a t
type binding_node = [
| `environment
| `executable_in_path
| `executable_in_var
| `binding
type binding = [
| `environment of [
| `environment
] t
| `executable_in_path of [
| `executable_in_path
] t
| `executable_in_var of [
| `executable_in_var
] t
| `binding of [
| `binding
] t
type dependency_node = [
| `requires
| `restricts
| `runner
type dependency = [
| `requires of [
| `requires
] t
| `restricts of [
| `restricts
] t
| `runner of [
| `runner
] t
type attr_node = [
| `group
| `implementation
| `package_impl


val parse_selections : Support.Qdom.element -> [
| `selections
] t
val selections : [
| `selections
] t -> [
| `selection
] t list
val local_path : [
| `selection
] t -> Support.Common.filepath option
val deps_and_bindings : [<
| `selection
] t -> [>
| `requires of [>
| `requires
] t
| `restricts of [>
| `restricts
] t
| `command of [
| `command
] t
] list
val arch : [<
| `selection
| `feed_import
] t -> string option
val id : [<
| `selection
| `implementation
] t -> string
val version : [
| `selection
] t -> string
val version_opt : [<
| `selection
] t -> string option
val compile_min_version : [
| `selection
] t -> string option
val doc_dir : [
| `selection
] t -> Support.Common.filepath option
val source : [<
| `selections
] t -> bool option
val parse_feed : Support.Qdom.element -> [
| `feed
] t


val uri : [
| `feed
] t -> string option
val uri_exn : [
| `feed
] t -> string
val feed_metadata : [
| `feed
] t -> [
| `name of [
| `name
] t
| `replaced_by of [
| `replaced_by
] t
| `feed_for of [
| `feed_for
] t
| `category of [
| `category
] t
| `needs_terminal of [
| `needs_terminal
] t
| `homepage of [
| `homepage
] t
| `icon of [
| `icon
] t
| `feed_import of [
| `feed_import
] t
] list
val langs : [<
| `feed_import
] t -> string option
val src : [<
| `feed_import
] t -> string
val group_children : [<
| `feed
| `group
] t -> [
| `group of [
| `group
] t
| `implementation of [
| `implementation
] t
| `package_impl of [
| `package_impl
] t
] list

Note: main on `feed is deprecated

val main : [<
| `feed
] t -> string option
val self_test : [< ] t -> string option
val compile_command : [< ] t -> string option
val retrieval_methods : [
| `implementation
] t -> Support.Qdom.element list
val href : [
| `icon
] t -> string
val icon_type : [
| `icon
] t -> string option
val distributions : [<
| `package_impl
] t -> string option


val get_runner : [
| `command
] t -> [
| `runner
] t option

Find the <runner> child of this element (selection or command), if any.

Raises Safe_exception if there are multiple runners.
val make_command : ?path:Support.Common.filepath -> ?shell_command:string -> source_hint:'a t option -> string -> [
| `command
] t
val get_command : string -> [
| `selection
] t -> [
| `command
] t option
val get_command_ex : string -> [
| `selection
] t -> [
| `command
] t
val path : [
| `command
] t -> Support.Common.filepath option
val arg_children : [<
| `command
| `runner
| `for_each
] t -> [
| `arg of [
| `arg
] t
| `for_each of [>
| `for_each
] t
] list
val item_from : [
| `for_each
] t -> string
val separator : [<
| `for_each
| `environment
] t -> string option
val command : [<
| `runner
| `binding
| `executable_in_path
| `executable_in_var
| `selections
] t -> string option
val command_children : [
| `command
] t -> [> ] list
val command_name : [
| `command
] t -> string
val simple_content : [<
| `name
| `arg
| `category
| `homepage
] t -> string
val interface : [<
| `selections
| `selection
| `requires
| `restricts
| `runner
| `replaced_by
| `feed_for
] t -> General.iface_uri

Feeds and interfaces

val from_feed : [
| `selection
] t -> string option
val with_interface : General.iface_uri -> ([< ] t as 'a) -> 'a

Copy element with a new interface. Used to make relative paths absolute.

val importance : [<
| `requires
| `runner
] t -> [>
| `essential
| `recommended


val classify_dep : [<
| `requires
| `restricts
| `runner
] t -> [
| `requires of [>
| `requires
] t
| `restricts of [>
| `restricts
] t
| `runner of [>
| `runner
] t
val restrictions : [<
| `requires
| `restricts
| `runner
] t -> [
| `version of [
| `version
] t
] list
val before : [
| `version
] t -> string option
val not_before : [
| `version
] t -> string option
val os : [< ] t -> string option
val use : [< ] t -> string option
val distribution : [< ] t -> string option
val element_of_dependency : dependency -> dependency_node t
val dummy_restricts : [>
| `restricts
] t
val bindings : [<
| `selection
| `command
| `requires
| `restricts
| `runner
] t -> binding list


val binding_name : [<
| `environment
| `executable_in_path
| `executable_in_var
] t -> string
val element_of_binding : binding -> binding_node t
val classify_binding : [< ] t -> binding
val insert : [
| `environment
] t -> string option
val value : [
| `environment
] t -> string option
val mode : [
| `environment
] t -> string option
val default : [
| `environment
] t -> string option
val package : [<
| `selection
| `package_impl
] t -> string

Distribution packages

val quick_test_file : [
| `selection
] t -> Support.Common.filepath option
val quick_test_mtime : [
| `selection
] t -> int64 option

Error reporting

val raise_elem : ('a, unit, string, _ t -> 'b) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a

raise_elem "Problem with" elem raises a Safe_exception with the message "Problem with <element> at ..."

val log_elem : Support.Logging.level -> ('a, unit, string, _ t -> unit) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a

Like raise_elem, but writing a log record rather than raising an exception.

val show_with_loc : _ t -> string

Generate a string identifying this element for use in error messages. Includes the source location, if known.

val fmt : unit -> _ t -> string

sprintf "%a" formatter that uses show_with_loc.

val as_xml : _ t -> Support.Qdom.element
val get_summary : int Support.Locale.LangMap.t -> [
| `feed
] t -> string option
val get_description : int Support.Locale.LangMap.t -> [
| `feed
] t -> string option