
module Gui

: sig

Manage the GUI sub-process.

val register_plugin : (General.config -> Support.Common.yes_no_maybe -> Ui.ui_handler option) -> unit

The GUI plugin registers itself here.

val try_get_gui : General.config -> use_gui:Support.Common.yes_no_maybe -> Ui.ui_handler option

Should we use the GUI? The input says what the user requested: No -> we never want to use the GUI Yes -> we always want to use the GUI, and throw an exception if it's not available Maybe -> we want to use the GUI iff it's available

Returns a suitable GUI handler if so, or None if we should use a non-GUI handler.

val add_remote_feed : General.config -> Fetch.fetcher -> General.iface_uri -> Feed_url.remote_feed -> unit Lwt.t

Download the feed and add it as an extra feed of the interface.

val add_feed : General.config -> General.iface_uri -> Feed_url.local_feed -> unit

Add a local feed to an interface.

val remove_feed : General.config -> General.iface_uri -> Feed_url.non_distro_feed -> unit
val compile : General.config -> Feed_provider.feed_provider -> General.iface_uri -> autocompile:bool -> unit Lwt.t
val have_source_for : Feed_provider.feed_provider -> General.iface_uri -> bool

Try to guess whether we have source for this interface. Returns true if we have any source-only feeds, or any source implementations in our regular feeds. However, we don't look inside the source feeds (so a source feed containing no implementations will still count as true). This is used in the GUI to decide whether to shade the Compile button.

val list_impls : Solver.Model.t -> Solver.role -> Impl.generic_implementation option * (Impl.generic_implementation * Impl_provider.rejection option) list

List the implementations of this interface in the order they should be shown in the GUI.

Returns (selected_version, implementations).
val get_fetch_info : General.config -> Impl.generic_implementation -> string * string
val set_impl_stability : General.config -> Feed_url.global_id -> General.stability_level option -> unit

Set a user-override stability rating.

val get_bug_report_details : General.config -> role:Solver.role -> bool * Solver.Model.t -> string

Get the initial text for the bug report dialog box.

val send_bug_report : General.iface_uri -> string -> string Lwt.t

Submit a bug report for this interface.

Returns the response from the server (on success).
Raises Safe_exception on failure.
val run_test : General.config -> Distro.distribution -> (Selections.t -> string Lwt.t) -> bool * Solver.Model.t -> string Lwt.t