
module Asn_time

: sig
type t = {
# date
: int * int * int;
# time
: int * int * int * float;
# tz
: (int * int * [
| `W
| `E
]) option
val to_posix_time : t -> float
val date_to_posix_time : y:int -> m:int -> d:int -> hh:int -> mm:int -> ss:int -> ff:float -> tz_mm:int -> float

date_to_posix_time ~y ~m ~d ~hh ~mm ~ss ~ff ~tz_mm is the POSIX time corresponding to the calendar date y-m-d at time hh:ss:mm.ff with time zone offset tz_mm in minutes.

Warning. Does not check ranges or that y-m-d is a valid calendar date.
