
module As_component

: sig



type comp_unit
type other
type pkg
type lib
type bin
type container
type test
type doc
type kind = [
| `Unit
| `Pkg
| `Lib
| `Bin
| `Container
| `Test
| `Doc
| `Other
type t = [
| `Unit of comp_unit
| `Other of other
| `Pkg of pkg
| `Lib of lib
| `Bin of bin
| `Container of container
| `Test of test
| `Doc of doc

The type for components.

module type Set = sig

Signature for sets of components.

include Set.S
val to_list : t -> elt list
val of_list : elt list -> t

Components base fields

val name : t -> string
val kind : t -> kind
val available : ?all:bool -> t -> As_features.t
val deps : ?all:bool -> t -> t list
val parent : t -> t option
val contents : t -> t list
val files : t -> (As_features.t * As_action.file list) list
val rules : t -> t As_action.rule list
val flags : ?all:bool -> t -> As_resolver.t -> As_flags.t
val id : ?all:bool -> t -> string
val build_dir : t -> As_resolver.t -> string
val file : t -> As_resolver.t -> As_action.file -> string
val source_dir : t -> As_action.file -> string
val phases : t -> As_flags.phase list

Component list operations

val keep : (t -> bool) -> t list -> t list
val filter_map : (t -> 'a option) -> t list -> 'a list
val map : (t -> t) -> t list -> t list
val closure : ?link:bool -> t list -> t list

Component kinds

val unit : t -> comp_unit option
val unit_ocaml : t -> comp_unit option
val unit_c : t -> comp_unit option
val unit_js : t -> comp_unit option
val other : t -> other option
val pkg : t -> pkg option
val pkg_ocaml : t -> pkg option
val pkg_ocaml_pp : t -> pkg option
val pkg_c : t -> pkg option
val lib : t -> lib option
val lib_ocaml : t -> lib option
val lib_ocaml_pp : t -> lib option
val bin : t -> bin option
val container : t -> container option
val test : t -> test option
val doc : t -> doc option

Component sets

module Set : Set with type elt = t

Rules and specific components.

type component = t
module Rule : sig


val files : component -> As_resolver.t -> component As_action.node list -> string list
val phony_run : component -> string
module Unit : sig

Compilation units.

type t = comp_unit
type kind = [
| `OCaml
| `C
| `Js
type interface = [
| `Normal
| `Opaque
| `Hidden
val create : ?available:As_features.t -> ?flags:As_flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> ?interface:interface -> string -> kind -> [
| `Path of string list
| `Other of other
] -> t
val pack : ?available:As_features.t -> ?flags:As_flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> string -> t list -> t
val generated : t -> bool
val kind : t -> [
| `OCaml
| `C
| `Js
val has : As_action.file -> t -> bool
val interface : t -> interface
val source_dir : t -> string option
module Pkg : sig

External package.

type t = pkg
type kind = [
| `OCaml
| `OCaml_pp
| `C
val create : ?available:As_features.t -> ?flags:As_flags.t -> ?opt:bool -> string -> kind -> t
val name : t -> string
val opt : t -> bool
val kind : t -> kind
val compiler_libs_toplevel : t
val ctypes_stub : t
module Lib : sig

Library descriptions.

type t = lib
type kind = [
| `OCaml
| `OCaml_pp
val create : ?available:As_features.t -> ?flags:As_flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> ?byte:bool -> ?native:bool -> ?native_dynlink:bool -> ?pack:bool -> string -> kind -> [
| `Units of [
| `Unit of Unit.t
] list
| `Other of other
] -> t
val kind : t -> kind
module Bin : sig

Binary descriptions.

type t = bin
val create : ?available:As_features.t -> ?flags:As_flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> ?byte:bool -> ?native:bool -> ?js:bool -> ?linkall:bool -> ?install:bool -> string -> [
| `Units of [
| `Unit of Unit.t
] list
| `Other of other
] -> t
val toplevel : ?available:As_features.t -> ?flags:As_flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> ?custom:bool -> ?install:bool -> string -> [
| `Units of [
| `Unit of Unit.t
] list
| `Other of other
] -> t
val units : t -> comp_unit list
val js : t -> bool
val is_toplevel : t -> bool
val install : t -> bool
module Other : sig

Arbitrary files generator.

type t = other
val create : ?available:As_features.t -> ?flags:As_flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> string -> component As_action.rule list -> t
module Container : sig

Directory of components.

type t = container
val create : ?available:As_features.t -> ?flags:As_flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> string -> component list -> container
module Test : sig
type t = test
type args = As_resolver.t -> string list
type command = [
| `Bin of [
| `Bin of Bin.t
] * args
| `Shell of string
val create : ?available:As_features.t -> ?flags:As_flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> ?dir:string -> string -> command list -> t
module Doc : sig
type t = doc
val create : ?available:As_features.t -> ?flags:As_flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> ?install:bool -> string -> component list -> t