
module As_ocamlfind

: sig

Manage OCamlfind invocations.

type mode = [
| `Direct
| `Indirect
| `Makefile

The different invocation modes. Direct is the expanded command-line, without any mention of `ocamlfind' anymore. Indirect return the `ocamlfind' invocation to run to get the right command-line, and Makefile is the same as Indirect, but quoted inside a $(shell ...) string.

val query : mode:mode -> ?predicates:string list -> ?format:string -> ?uniq:bool -> ?recursive:bool -> string list -> string list

ocamlfind_query ~direct ?predicates ?format packages is the result of executing ocamlfind query with the given parameters. If direct is set, call the `ocamlfind' commands directly. Otherwise, return the ocamlfind to run to get the expected result.

val resolver : mode -> ?ocamlc:string -> ?ocamlopt:string -> ?ocamldep:string -> ?ocamlmklib:string -> ?ocamldoc:string -> ?preprocessor:string option -> ?ln:string -> ?mkdir:string -> ?js_of_ocaml:string -> ?build_dir:string -> ?lib_dir:string -> ?root_dir:string -> unit -> As_resolver.t

Resolve command-line arguments for ocamlfind packages. Same as As_resolver.maker but without the ~pkgs argument.

module META : sig

Generate META files.

type t
val of_project : As_project.t -> t

Create a META file.

val write : ?dir:string -> t -> unit

Write a META file.
