
module Assemblage

: sig

The Assemblage Library.

Assemblage provides a simple embedded domain specific language to describe OCaml projects. It also provides simple tools to configure, manage, install and use OCaml projects.

Describing a project eventually leads to describe its build artifacts. The exact mapping betweem project elements and those build artifacts depends on the presence or absence of features. Examples of such features are weather to compile and run the tests (user-defined feature), the presence of the native compiler (system-dependant feature), compiling a library using async or lwt as a backend (environment-dependant feature), ...

Finally, generating build artifacts means refining the project description into concrete command line arguments to pass to the different compilers (ocamlc, ocamlopt) on the different compilation and linking phases.

Release %%VERSION%% - %%AUTHOR%%


Features and flags

module Features : sig


Features declare booleans to be determined by the build environment. They allow to condition the application of certain flags and restrict the build of project components or of certain of their artifacts.

Examples of features are: native compilation availability, optional package availability, debug build support, etc.


type t

The type for features. Given a build environment a value of this type denotes a boolean value.

val create : ?default:bool -> string -> doc:string -> t

create default name doc is a feature named name. default (defaults to true) indicates the boolean value the feature takes if the build environment doesn't determine it. doc is used for documenting the feature in various contexts, keep it short and to the point.

val true_ : t

true_ is always true.

val false_ : t

false_ is always false.

val neg : ?on:bool -> t -> t

neg f is true iff f is false. If on is specified, negates if on is true and true_ is returned if on is false.

not_ f is true iff f is false.

val (&&&) : t -> t -> t

f &&& f' is true iff both f and f' are true.

val (|||) : t -> t -> t

f ||| f' is true iff either f or f' is true.

Built-in features

val byte : t

byte is true iff byte code compilation is available.

val native : t

native is true iff native code compilation is available.

val native_toolchain : t

native_toolchain is true iff the native compiled OCaml toolchain is available (.opt tools).

val js : t

js is true iff JavaScript compilation is available.

val annot : t

annot is true iff binary annotations files must be built.

val debug : t

debug is true iff builds must support debugging.

val warn_error : t

warn_error is true iff builds must consider warnings as errors.

val test : t

test is true iff tests must be built.

val doc : t

public_doc is true iff the documentation must be built.

module Flags : sig


Flags values denote sets of partial command line arguments given to tools in a given context. A context is defined by a compilation [root:phase].

FIXME describe valid context and to what they correspond.



type phase = [
| `Prepare
| `Dep
| `Pp of [
| `Byte
| `Native
| `Compile of [
| `Intf
| `Byte
| `Native
| `C
| `Js
| `Archive of [
| `Byte
| `Native
| `Shared
| `C
| `Link of [
| `Byte
| `Native
| `Js
| `Run of [
| `Byte
| `Native
| `Test
| `Doc
| `Other of string

The type for compilation phases.

type args = string list

The type for partial command line arguments.

type t

The type for multi-context, partial, command line arguments.

val v : ?available:Features.t -> phase -> args -> t

v available phase mode args is the partial command line args in the context defined by phase and modes. This partial command line is only available whenever the feature available is true (defaults to Features.true_).

val (@@@) : t -> t -> t

f @@@ f' concatenates context wise f' to f. f' and f' remain available according to their own available argument.

Built-in flags

val empty : t

empty is the command line [] for every context.

val debug : t

debug is the debug flag as needed per context, only available when Features.debug is true.

val annot : t

annot is the -bin-annot flag in appropriate contexts, only available when Features.annot is true.

val warn_error : t

warn_error is the -warn-error in appropriate contexts, only available when Features.warn_error is true.

val linkall : t

linkall is the -linkall flag in appropriate contexts.

val thread : t

thread is the -thread flag in appropriate contexts.

val vmthread : t

vmthread is the -vmthread flag in appropriate contexts.

val cclib : string list -> t

The -cclib x flags.

val ccopt : string list -> t

The -ccopt x flags.

val stub : string -> t

stub s adds -cclib -ls -dllib -ls to the bytecode linking options and -cclib -ls to the native linking options.



A project defines different kinds of names: local and external library names. A local library name needs to be associated with the name of the local directory where the build artifacts for that library are created and an external library name needs to be associated with the global directory where the object files for that library are installed.

module Resolver : sig

Name resolvers.

type t

The type for internal and external name resolvers.

val build_dir : t -> string

build_dir t is the directory where lives all the build artifacts.

val pkgs : t -> string list -> Flags.t

Resolve global package names into command line flags.


Custom Actions

module Action : sig

Actions to generate source files.

type action

Custom actions.

type file = [
| `Dep of [
| `Ml
| `Mli
| `Ml
| `Mli
| `C
| `Js
| `Cmt
| `Cmti
| `Cmi
| `Cmo
| `Cmx
| `O
| `So
| `Cma
| `Cmxa
| `Cmxs
| `A
| `Byte
| `Native
| `Dir
| `Source of file
| `Ext of string
| `Other of string -> string

The different kinds of files.

val create : ?dir:string -> ('a, unit, string, action) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a

bash ~dir fmt is a generator which produces some results by calling fmt in a bash shell, running in the directory dir.

type 'a t = 'a -> Resolver.t -> Flags.t -> action

Type of action generators.

type 'a node = [
| `Self of file
| `Phony of string
| `N of 'a * file

The type of nodes in the action graph.

type 'a rule = {
# phase
: Flags.phase;
# targets
: 'a node list;
# prereqs
: 'a node list;
# action
: 'a t;

An action rule is a list of target nodes, prerequesite nodes and an action.

val rule : phase:Flags.phase -> targets:'a node list -> prereqs:'a node list -> 'a t -> 'a rule

Create a new rule.

val empty : 'a t

The generator of empty actions.



A project is a set of components. Each component describes a logical build unit like a compilation unit, a library, a binary, a test, the documentation of a library, etc. A component can depend on other components, either because it needs the dependencies to be part of it or because it needs them to be build.

type comp_unit

The type for compilation unit descriptions.

type other

The type for arbitrarily constructed files descriptions.

type pkg

The type for package descriptions.

type lib

The type for library descriptions.

type bin

The type for binary executable descriptions.

type container

The type for containers of components.

type test

The type for test descriptions.

type doc

The type for documentation descriptions.

type component = [
| `Unit of comp_unit
| `Other of other
| `Lib of lib
| `Pkg of pkg
| `Bin of bin
| `Container of container
| `Test of test
| `Doc of doc

The type for components.

  • `Unit u u is a project compilation unit.
  • `Lib l is a project library.
  • `Bin b is a project binary.
  • `Test b is a project test.
  • `Pkg p is an external named package.
val unit : ?available:Features.t -> ?flags:Flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> ?interface:[
| `Normal
| `Opaque
| `Hidden
] -> string -> [
| `Path of string list
| `Other of other
] -> [>
| `Unit of comp_unit

unit name dir ~available ~flags ~deps is a compilation unit named name (the filename without extension) present in directory dir. It is only available whenever available is true, it must be build with flags and depends on deps to be built.

TODO document opaque & hidden.

val pack : ?available:Features.t -> ?flags:Flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> string -> [
| `Unit of comp_unit
] list -> [>
| `Unit of comp_unit

Pack compilation units together.

val c : ?available:Features.t -> ?flags:Flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> ?cclib:string list -> ?ccopt:string list -> string -> [
| `Path of string list
| `Other of other
] -> [>
| `Unit of comp_unit

Same as unit but for C source files.

val js : ?available:Features.t -> ?flags:Flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> ?jsflags:string list -> string -> [
| `Path of string list
| `Other of other
] -> [>
| `Unit of comp_unit

Same as unit but for javascript source files.

val other : ?available:Features.t -> ?flags:Flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> string -> component Action.rule list -> [>
| `Other of other

Generated source file(s).

val lib : ?available:Features.t -> ?flags:Flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> ?byte:bool -> ?native:bool -> ?native_dynlink:bool -> ?pack:bool -> string -> [
| `Units of [
| `Unit of comp_unit
] list
| `Other of other
] -> [>
| `Lib of lib

lib name units is the project library name composed by the compilation units cus. If lib is set, use ocamldep to approximate the compilation units and their dependecies in the given directory.

val lib_pp : ?available:Features.t -> ?flags:Flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> ?byte:bool -> ?native:bool -> ?native_dynlink:bool -> ?pack:bool -> string -> [
| `Units of [
| `Unit of comp_unit
] list
| `Other of other
] -> [>
| `Lib of lib

lib_pp is like lib but it defines a project pre-processor.

val bin : ?available:Features.t -> ?flags:Flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> ?byte:bool -> ?native:bool -> ?js:bool -> ?linkall:bool -> ?install:bool -> string -> [
| `Units of [
| `Unit of comp_unit
] list
| `Other of other
] -> [>
| `Bin of bin

bin name units is the binary name obtained by compiling the compilation units units, with the dependencies deps. By default, the source files are located into bin/ (this is controled by the value of dir).

val container : ?available:Features.t -> ?flags:Flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> string -> component list -> [>
| `Container of container

FIXME: doc

val pkg : ?available:Features.t -> ?flags:Flags.t -> ?opt:bool -> string -> [>
| `Pkg of pkg

pkg available opt name is an external OCaml package named name. It is only available whenever available is true. If opt is true (defaults to false) a feature f is automatically created for the package and anded to available.

val pkg_pp : ?available:Features.t -> ?flags:Flags.t -> ?opt:bool -> string -> [>
| `Pkg of pkg

pkg_pp available opt name is like pkg except it denotes an external OCaml pre-processor package.

val pkg_c : ?available:Features.t -> ?flags:Flags.t -> ?opt:bool -> string -> [>
| `Pkg of pkg

pkg_c available opt name is like pkg except it denotes an external C package.

type test_command

The type for test commands.

type test_args = Resolver.t -> string list

The type for command line arguments when calling tests of executable.

val test_bin : [
| `Bin of bin
] -> ?args:test_args -> unit -> test_command

A test which runs a binary built in the project.

val test_shell : ('a, unit, string, test_command) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a

A test which runs an arbitrary shell command.

val test : ?available:Features.t -> ?flags:Flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> ?dir:string -> string -> test_command list -> [>
| `Test of test

Description of a test.

val doc : ?available:Features.t -> ?flags:Flags.t -> ?deps:component list -> ?install:bool -> string -> component list -> [>
| `Doc of doc

Description of documentation files.


Component helpers

val pick : string -> component -> component

unit_in c name is the unit named name is the component c. Raise Not_found if not unit has this name.

val build_dir : component -> Resolver.t -> string

build_dir t r is the directory where the component t is built.

val root_dir : Resolver.t -> string

root_dir r is the root directory of the project.

val cstubs : ?available:Features.t -> ?deps:component list -> ?headers:string list -> ?cflags:string list -> ?clibs:string list -> string -> [
| `Path of string list
] -> [>
| `Lib of lib

stubs name dir is the C stub generations, using Ctypes, of the compilation unit name. The Name_bindings module should be located in dir.



type project

The type for OCaml projects descriptions. Simply a set of components.

val project : ?available:Features.t -> ?flags:Flags.t -> ?version:string -> string -> component list -> project

project name comps TODO


Build Environments

module Build_env : sig

Build environment.

The build environment (which can be an human) discovers available features.

type t

Environment values.

val default : t

Default project configuration.



val assemble : project -> unit

assemble project runs the default assemblage command line tool with the assemble file file (defaults to assemble.ml.

val (/) : string -> string -> string

Same as Filename.concat.
