
module Charmap

: sig

Charactor mapping table

module type Interface = sig
type enc_to_ucs
val make_enc_to_ucs : int -> (string * int) list -> enc_to_ucs
val no_char_of : enc_to_ucs -> int
type probe_state
val start_probe : enc_to_ucs -> probe_state
val look_probe : probe_state -> int -> int
val next_probe : probe_state -> int -> probe_state option
type t = {
# name
: string;
# ucs_to_enc
: string Tbl31.t;
# enc_to_ucs
: enc_to_ucs;
type data =
# | Alias of string
# | CMap of t
val of_name : string -> t
module Configure : functor (Config : ConfigInt.Type) -> Interface