
module Header

: sig

Map of HTTP header key and value(s) associated with them. Since HTTP headers can contain duplicate keys, this structure can return a list of values associated with a single key.

type t
val init : unit -> t

Construct a fresh, empty map of HTTP headers

val init_with : string -> string -> t

Construct a fresh map of HTTP headers with a single key and value entry

val add : t -> string -> string -> t

Add a key and value to an existing header map

val add_opt : t option -> string -> string -> t

Given an optional header, either update the existing one with a key and value, or construct a fresh header with those values if the header is None

val remove : t -> string -> t

Remove a key from the header map and return a fresh header set. The original header parameter is not modified.

val replace : t -> string -> string -> t

Replace a key from the header map if it exists. The original header parameter is not modified.

val get : t -> string -> string option

Retrieve a key from a header. If the header is one of the set of headers defined to have list values, then all of the values are concatenated into a single string separated by commas and returned. If it is a singleton header, then the first value is selected and no concatenation is performed.

val get_multi : t -> string -> string list

Retrieve all of the values associated with a key

val iter : (string -> string list -> unit) -> t -> unit
val map : (string -> string list -> string list) -> t -> t
val fold : (string -> string -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val of_list : (string * string) list -> t
val to_list : t -> (string * string) list
val to_lines : t -> string list
val get_content_range : t -> Int64.t option
val get_media_type : t -> string option
val get_connection_close : t -> bool
val get_acceptable_media_ranges : t -> (Accept.media_range * Accept.p list) Accept.qlist
val get_acceptable_charsets : t -> Accept.charset Accept.qlist
val get_acceptable_encodings : t -> Accept.encoding Accept.qlist
val get_acceptable_languages : t -> Accept.language Accept.qlist
val get_transfer_encoding : t -> Transfer.encoding
val add_transfer_encoding : t -> Transfer.encoding -> t
val add_authorization : t -> Auth.credential -> t
val get_authorization : t -> Auth.credential option
val add_authorization_req : t -> Auth.challenge -> t
val is_form : t -> bool
val user_agent : string
val prepend_user_agent : t -> string -> t
val connection : t -> [
| `Keep_alive
| `Close
| `Unknown of string
] option
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t