
module Exn

: sig
type t = exn
include Pretty_printer.S with type t := t
exception Finally of t * t

Raised when finalization after an exception failed, too. The first exception argument is the one raised by the initial function, the second exception the one raised by the finalizer.

exception Reraised of string * t
val raise_without_backtrace : t -> _

Same as raise, except that the backtrace is not recorded.

val reraise : t -> string -> _
val reraisef : t -> ('a, unit, string, unit -> _) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val to_string : t -> string
val to_string_mach : t -> string
val protectx : f:('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> finally:('a -> unit) -> 'b

Executes f and afterwards executes finally, whether f throws an exception or not.

val protect : f:(unit -> 'a) -> finally:(unit -> unit) -> 'a
val handle_uncaught : exit:bool -> (unit -> unit) -> unit

handle_uncaught ~exit f catches an exception escaping f and prints an error message to stderr. Exits with return code 1 if exit is true. Otherwise returns unit.

val handle_uncaught_and_exit : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

handle_uncaught_and_exit f returns f (), unless that raises, in which case it prints the exception and exits nonzero.

val reraise_uncaught : string -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
val does_raise : (unit -> _) -> bool

does_raise f returns true iff f () raises, which is often useful in unit tests.

val backtrace : unit -> string


val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t