
module In_channel

: sig

In_channel collects all of the pervasive functions that work on in_channels. It adds some new functions (like input_all and input_lines). It names things using the fact that there is no worry about toplevel name conflicts (since we are in a module). It uses labelled arguments. It returns an option rather than raising End_of_file.

val stdin : t

Channels are opened in binary mode iff binary is true. This only has an effect on Windows.

val create : ?binary:bool -> string -> t
val with_file : ?binary:bool -> string -> f:(t -> 'a) -> 'a

with_file ~f fname executes ~f on the open channel from fname, and closes it afterwards.

val close : t -> unit
val input : t -> buf:string -> pos:int -> len:int -> int
val really_input : t -> buf:string -> pos:int -> len:int -> unit option
val input_byte : t -> int option
val input_char : t -> char option
val input_binary_int : t -> int option
val unsafe_input_value : t -> _ option
val input_all : t -> string
val input_line : ?fix_win_eol:bool -> t -> string option

input_line ?fix_win_eol t reads a line from t and returns it, without the newline ("\n") character at the end, and, if fix_win_eol the trailing "\r\n" is dropped.

val fold_lines : ?fix_win_eol:bool -> t -> init:'a -> f:('a -> string -> 'a) -> 'a

fold_lines ?fix_win_eol t ~init ~f folds over the lines read from t using input_line. Lines are provided to f in the order they are found in the file.

val input_lines : ?fix_win_eol:bool -> t -> string list

Completely reads an input channel and returns the results as a list of strings. Each line in one string.

val iter_lines : ?fix_win_eol:bool -> t -> f:(string -> unit) -> unit

iter_lines ?fix_win_eol t ~f applies f to each line read from t using input_line.

val seek : t -> int64 -> unit
val pos : t -> int64
val length : t -> int64
val set_binary_mode : t -> bool -> unit
val read_lines : string -> string list

read_lines filename Opens filename, reads all lines, and closes the file.

val read_all : string -> string

read_all filename Opens filename, reads all input, and closes the file.
