
module Cppo_parser

: sig
type token =
# | DEF of (Cppo_types.loc * string)
# | DEFUN of (Cppo_types.loc * string)
# | UNDEF of (Cppo_types.loc * string)
# | INCLUDE of (Cppo_types.loc * string)
# | WARNING of (Cppo_types.loc * string)
# | ERROR of (Cppo_types.loc * string)
# | LINE of (Cppo_types.loc * string option * int)
# | IFDEF of (Cppo_types.loc * Cppo_types.bool_expr)
# | EXT of (Cppo_types.loc * string * string)
# | ENDEF of Cppo_types.loc
# | IF of Cppo_types.loc
# | ELIF of Cppo_types.loc
# | ELSE of Cppo_types.loc
# | ENDIF of Cppo_types.loc
# | ENDTEST of Cppo_types.loc
# | TRUE
# | NOT
# | AND
# | OR
# | EQ
# | LT
# | GT
# | NE
# | LE
# | GE
# | PLUS
# | STAR
# | LNOT
# | LSL
# | LSR
# | ASR
# | LAND
# | LOR
# | LXOR
# | OP_PAREN of Cppo_types.loc
# | SLASH of Cppo_types.loc
# | MOD of Cppo_types.loc
# | INT of int64
# | CL_PAREN of Cppo_types.loc
# | COMMA of Cppo_types.loc
# | CURRENT_LINE of Cppo_types.loc
# | CURRENT_FILE of Cppo_types.loc
# | IDENT of (Cppo_types.loc * string)
# | FUNIDENT of (Cppo_types.loc * string)
# | TEXT of (Cppo_types.loc * bool * string)
# | EOF
val main : (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Cppo_types.node list