
module Resolvconf

: sig
module LookupValue : sig
type t =
# | Bind
# | File
# | Yp
exception Unknown of string
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
module OptionsValue : sig
type t =
# | Debug
# | Edns0
# | Inet6
# | Insecure1
# | Insecure2
# | Ndots of int
exception Unknown of string
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
module KeywordValue : sig
type t =
# | Nameserver of Ipaddr.t * int option
# | Port of int
# | Domain of string
# | Lookup of LookupValue.t list
# | Search of string list
# | Sortlist of string list
# | Options of OptionsValue.t list
exception Unknown of string
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
val map_line : string -> string option
type t = KeywordValue.t list
val all_servers : KeywordValue.t list -> (Ipaddr.t * int) list
val choose_server : KeywordValue.t list -> (Ipaddr.t * int) option
val search_domains : KeywordValue.t list -> string list