
module BitSet

: sig

Efficient bit sets.

A bitset is an array of boolean values that can be accessed with indexes like an array but provides a better memory usage (divided by 8) for a very small speed trade-off.

type t
exception Negative_index of string

When a negative bit value is used for one of the BitSet functions, this exception is raised with the name of the function.

val empty : unit -> t

Create an empty bitset of size 0, the bitset will automatically expand when needed.

val create : int -> t

Create an empty bitset with an initial size (in number of bits).

val copy : t -> t

Copy a bitset : further modifications of first one will not affect the copy.

val clone : t -> t

Same as copy

val set : t -> int -> unit

set s n sets the nth-bit in the bitset s to true.

val unset : t -> int -> unit

unset s n sets the nth-bit in the bitset s to false.

val put : t -> bool -> int -> unit

put s v n sets the nth-bit in the bitset s to v.

val toggle : t -> int -> unit

toggle s n changes the nth-bit value in the bitset s.

val is_set : t -> int -> bool

is_set s n returns true if nth-bit in the bitset s is set, or false otherwise.

val compare : t -> t -> int

compare s1 s2 compares two bitsets. Highest bit indexes are compared first.

val equals : t -> t -> bool

equals s1 s2 returns true if, and only if, all bits values in s1 are the same as in s2.

val count : t -> int

count s returns the number of bits set in the bitset s.

val enum : t -> int Enum.t

enum s returns an enumeration of bits which are set in the bitset s.

val intersect : t -> t -> unit

intersect s t sets s to the intersection of the sets s and t.

val unite : t -> t -> unit

unite s t sets s to the union of the sets s and t.

val differentiate : t -> t -> unit

differentiate s t removes the elements of t from s.

val differentiate_sym : t -> t -> unit

differentiate_sym s t sets s to the symmetrical difference of the sets s and t.

val inter : t -> t -> t

inter s t returns the intersection of sets s and t.

val union : t -> t -> t

union s t return the union of sets s and t.

val diff : t -> t -> t

diff s t returns s-t.

val sym_diff : t -> t -> t

sym_diff s t returns the symmetrical difference of s and t.
