
module Global_graph

: sig

Functions to manipulate the graph of Git objects.

module K : Graph.Sig.I with type V.t = SHA.t

The graph of Git keys.

module Make : functor (S : Store.S) -> sig
val of_keys : S.t -> K.t Lwt.t

Return the graph of keys of the given Git store.

val closure : S.t -> min:SHA.Set.t -> SHA.Set.t -> K.t Lwt.t

Return a consistent cut of the graph of keys, where no elements are lesser than the ones in min and none are bigger than the ones in max.

val pack : S.t -> min:SHA.Set.t -> SHA.Set.t -> Pack.t Lwt.t

Return a packed (closed) collection of objects.

val to_dot : S.t -> Buffer.t -> unit Lwt.t

to_dot g buffer fille buffer with the `.dot` representation of the Git graph.
