
module Irmin_fs

: sig

Disk persistence.

val config : ?root:string -> unit -> Irmin.config
module type IO = sig

File-system abstraction.

val getcwd : unit -> string Lwt.t

Return the current directory.

val mkdir : string -> unit Lwt.t

Create a directory.

val remove : string -> unit Lwt.t

Remove a file or directory (even if non-empty).

val rec_files : string -> string list Lwt.t

rec_files dir is the list of files recursively present in dir and all of its sub-directories. Return filenames prefixed by dir.

val read_file : string -> Cstruct.t Lwt.t

Read the contents of a file using mmap.

val write_file : string -> Cstruct.t -> unit Lwt.t

Write some contents to a new file.

module AO : functor (IO : IO) -> Irmin.AO_MAKER
module RW : functor (IO : IO) -> Irmin.RW_MAKER
module Make : functor (IO : IO) -> Irmin.S_MAKER

Advanced configuration

module type Config = sig

Same as Config but gives more control on the file hierarchy.

val dir : string -> string

dir root is the sub-directory to look for the keys.

val file_of_key : string -> string

Convert a key to a filename.

val key_of_file : string -> string

Convert a filename to a key.

module AO_ext : functor (IO : IO) -> functor (C : Config) -> Irmin.AO_MAKER
module RW_ext : functor (IO : IO) -> functor (C : Config) -> Irmin.RW_MAKER
module Make_ext : functor (IO : IO) -> functor (Obj : Config) -> functor (Ref : Config) -> Irmin.S_MAKER