
module Ir_view

: sig

In-memory partial views of the database, with lazy fetching.

module type S = sig
val create : ('a -> Ir_task.t) -> ('a -> t) Lwt.t
val rebase : 'a -> ('a -> t) -> into:('a -> t) -> unit Ir_merge.result Lwt.t
val rebase_exn : 'a -> ('a -> t) -> into:('a -> t) -> unit Lwt.t
type db
val of_path : ('a -> Ir_task.t) -> db -> key -> ('a -> t) Lwt.t
val update_path : 'a -> ('a -> db) -> key -> ('a -> t) -> unit Lwt.t
val rebase_path : 'a -> ('a -> db) -> key -> ('a -> t) -> unit Ir_merge.result Lwt.t
val rebase_path_exn : 'a -> ('a -> db) -> key -> ('a -> t) -> unit Lwt.t
val merge_path : 'a -> ('a -> db) -> key -> ('a -> t) -> unit Ir_merge.result Lwt.t
val merge_path_exn : 'a -> ('a -> db) -> key -> ('a -> t) -> unit Lwt.t
module Action : sig
type t = [
| `Read of key * value option
| `Write of key * value option
| `Rmdir of key
| `List of key * key list
include Tc.S0 with type t := t
val pretty : t -> string
val prettys : t list -> string
val actions : t -> Action.t list
module Make : functor (S : Ir_s.STORE) -> S with type db = S.t and type step = S.step and type value = S.value