
module Ir_watch

: sig


module type S = sig

Collection of listeners.

type key


type value


type t

Listeners state.

val notify : t -> key -> value option -> unit

Notifity all listeners that a key has changed. If the argument is None, this means the key has been removed.

val create : unit -> t

Create in-memory notifications.

val clear : t -> unit

Clear all watches.

val watch : t -> key -> value option -> value option Lwt_stream.t

Create a stream of event notifications. Need to provide the initial value (or None if the key does not have associated contents yet).

val listen_dir : t -> string -> key:(string -> key option) -> value:(key -> value option Lwt.t) -> unit

Register a fsevents/inotify thread to look for changes in the given directory.

module Make : functor (K : Tc.S0) -> functor (V : Tc.S0) -> S with type key = K.t and type value = V.t
val set_listen_dir_hook : (string -> (string -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit) -> unit
val lwt_stream_lift : 'a Lwt_stream.t Lwt.t -> 'a Lwt_stream.t