
module LTerm_key

: sig


type code =
# | Char of CamomileLibrary.UChar.t
(*A unicode character.*)
# | Enter
# | Escape
# | Tab
# | Up
# | Down
# | Left
# | Right
# | F1
# | F2
# | F3
# | F4
# | F5
# | F6
# | F7
# | F8
# | F9
# | F10
# | F11
# | F12
# | Next_page
# | Prev_page
# | Home
# | End
# | Insert
# | Delete
# | Backspace

Type of key code.

type t = {
# control
: bool;(*Is the control key down ?*)
# meta
: bool;(*Is the meta key down ?*)
# shift
: bool;(*Is the shift key down ?*)
# code
: code;(*The code of the key.*)

Type of key.

val compare : t -> t -> int

Same as Pervasives.compare.

val control : t -> bool
val meta : t -> bool
val code : t -> code
val to_string : t -> string

Returns the string representation of the given key.

val to_string_compact : t -> string

Returns the string representation of the given key in the form "C-M-a".
