
module Invariant

: sig
type word
val fold : ('a -> bool -> Grammar.Symbol.t -> Lr1.NodeSet.t -> 'a) -> 'a -> word -> 'a
val fold_top : (bool -> Grammar.Symbol.t -> 'a) -> 'a -> word -> 'a
val stack : Lr1.node -> word
val prodstack : Grammar.Production.index -> word
val gotostack : Grammar.Nonterminal.t -> word
type instruction =
# | Die
# | DownTo of word * state
type state =
# | Represented
# | UnRepresented of Lr1.node
val rewind : Lr1.node -> instruction
val represented : Lr1.node -> bool
val startp : Grammar.Symbol.t -> bool
val endp : Grammar.Symbol.t -> bool
val errorpeeker : Lr1.node -> bool
val ever_reduced : Grammar.Production.index -> bool
val fold_reduced : (Lr1.node -> 'a -> 'a) -> Grammar.Production.index -> 'a -> 'a
val has_default_reduction : Lr1.node -> (Grammar.Production.index * Grammar.TerminalSet.t) option
val universal : Grammar.Symbol.t -> bool