
module Includecore

: sig
exception Dont_match
type type_mismatch =
# | Arity
# | Privacy
# | Kind
# | Constraint
# | Manifest
# | Variance
# | Field_type of Ident.t
# | Field_mutable of Ident.t
# | Field_arity of Ident.t
# | Field_names of int * Ident.t * Ident.t
# | Field_missing of bool * Ident.t
# | Record_representation of bool
val type_declarations : ?equality:bool -> Env.t -> string -> Types.type_declaration -> Ident.t -> Types.type_declaration -> type_mismatch list
val extension_constructors : Env.t -> Ident.t -> Types.extension_constructor -> Types.extension_constructor -> bool
val report_type_mismatch : string -> string -> string -> Format.formatter -> type_mismatch list -> unit