
module V1

: sig
module type DEVICE = sig

Device operations. Defines the functions to connect and disconnect any device

type +'a io

A potentially blocking I/O operation

type t

The type representing the internal state of the device

type error

An error signalled by the device, normally returned after a connection attempt

type id

Type defining an identifier for this device that uniquely identifies it among a device tree.

val id : t -> id

Return the identifier that was used to construct this device

val connect : id -> [
| `Error of error
| `Ok of t
] io

Connect to the device identified by id

val disconnect : t -> unit io

Disconnect from the device. While this might take some time to complete, it can never result in an error.

module type TIME = sig

Time operations for cooperative threads.

type +'a io

A potentially blocking I/O operation

val sleep : float -> unit io

sleep nsec Block the current thread for TODO remove float

module type RANDOM = sig

Operations to generate entropy. This is currently a passthrough to the OCaml Random generator, and will be deprecated in V2 and turned into a proper DEVICE with blocking modes.

val self_init : unit -> unit

Initialize the generator with a random seed chosen in a system-dependent way.

val int : int -> int

int bound returns a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and bound (exclusive). bound must be greater than 0 and less than 230.

val int32 : int32 -> int32

int32 bound returns a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and bound (exclusive). bound must be greater than 0.

module type ENTROPY = sig

A native entropy provider. *

type error = [
| `No_entropy_device of string

Represents errors when attaching the entropy provider.

include DEVICE with type error := error
type buffer

usually a cstruct

type handler = source:int -> buffer -> unit

A handler is called whenever the system has extra entropy to announce. No guarantees are made about the entropy itself, other than it being environmentally derived. In particular, the amount of entropy in the buffer can be far lower than the size of the buffer.

source is a small integer, describing the provider but with no other meaning.

handler is expected to return quickly.

val handler : t -> handler -> unit io

handler h registers the single global handler that will receive entropy. There might be additional, provider-specific blocking semantics.

module type CLOCK = sig

Clock operations. Currently read-only to retrieve the time in various formats.

type tm = {
# tm_sec
: int;(*Seconds 0..60*)
# tm_min
: int;(*Minutes 0..59*)
# tm_hour
: int;(*Hours 0..23*)
# tm_mday
: int;(*Day of month 1..31*)
# tm_mon
: int;(*Month of year 0..11*)
# tm_year
: int;(*Year - 1900*)
# tm_wday
: int;(*Day of week (Sunday is 0)*)
# tm_yday
: int;(*Day of year 0..365*)
# tm_isdst
: bool;(*Daylight time savings in effect*)

The type representing wallclock time and calendar date.

val time : unit -> float

Return the current time since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970, in seconds.

val gmtime : float -> tm

Convert a time in seconds, as returned by time, into a date and a time. Assumes UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), also known as GMT.

module type FLOW = sig

A connection between endpoints.

type +'a io

A potentially blocking I/O operation

type buffer

Abstract type for a memory buffer that may not be page aligned.

type flow

A flow represents the state of a single stream that is connected to an endpoint.

type error
val read : flow -> [
| `Ok of buffer
| `Eof
| `Error of error
] io

read flow will block until it either successfully reads a segment of data from the current flow, receives an Eof signifying that the connection is now closed, or an Error.

val write : flow -> buffer -> [
| `Ok of unit
| `Eof
| `Error of error
] io

write flow buffer will block until buffer has been added to the send queue. There is no indication when the buffer has actually been read and, therefore, it must not be reused. The contents may be transmitted in separate packets, depending on the underlying transport. The result `Ok () indicates success, `Eof indicates that the connection is now closed and `Error indicates some other error.

val writev : flow -> buffer list -> [
| `Ok of unit
| `Eof
| `Error of error
] io

writev flow buffers will block until the buffers have all been added to the send queue. There is no indication when the buffers have actually been read and, therefore, they must not be reused. The result `Ok () indicates success, `Eof indicates that the connection is now closed and `Error indicates some other error.

val close : flow -> unit io

close flow will flush all pending writes and signal the end of the flow to the remote endpoint. When the result unit io becomes determined, all further calls to read flow will result in a `Eof.

module type CONSOLE = sig

Text console input/output operations.

type error = [
| `Invalid_console of string

The type representing possible errors when attaching a console.

include DEVICE with type error := error
include FLOW with type error := error and type 'a io := 'a io and type flow := t
val log : t -> string -> unit

log str writes as much characters of str that can be written in one write operation to the console t, then writes "\r\n" to it.

val log_s : t -> string -> unit io

log_s str is a thread that writes str ^ "\r\n" in the console t.

module type BLOCK = sig

Operations on sector-addressible block devices, usually used for persistent storage

type page_aligned_buffer

Abstract type for a page-aligned memory buffer

type error = [
| `Unknown of string
| `Unimplemented
| `Is_read_only
| `Disconnected

IO operation errors

include DEVICE with type error := error
type info = {
# read_write
: bool;(*True if we can write, false if read/only*)
# sector_size
: int;(*Octets per sector*)
# size_sectors
: int64;(*Total sectors per device*)

Characteristics of the block device. Note some devices may be able to make themselves bigger over time.

val get_info : t -> info io

Query the characteristics of a specific block device

val read : t -> int64 -> page_aligned_buffer list -> [
| `Error of error
| `Ok of unit
] io

read device sector_start buffers returns a blocking IO operation which attempts to fill buffers with data starting at sector_start. Each of buffers must be a whole number of sectors in length. The list of buffers can be of any length.

val write : t -> int64 -> page_aligned_buffer list -> [
| `Error of error
| `Ok of unit
] io

write device sector_start buffers returns a blocking IO operation which attempts to write the data contained within buffers to t starting at sector_start. When the IO operation completes then all writes have been persisted.

Once submitted, it is not possible to cancel a request and there is no timeout.

The operation may fail with `Unimplemented: the operation has not been implemented, no data has been written `Is_read_only: the device is read-only, no data has been written `Disconnected: the device has been disconnected at application request, an unknown amount of data has been written `Unknown: some other permanent, fatal error (e.g. disk is on fire), where an unknown amount of data has been written

Each of buffers must be a whole number of sectors in length. The list of buffers can be of any length.

The data will not be copied, so the supplied buffers must not be re-used until the IO operation completes.

module type NETWORK = sig

A network interface that serves Ethernet frames.

type page_aligned_buffer

Abstract type for a page-aligned memory buffer

type buffer

Abstract type for a memory buffer that may not be page aligned

type error = [
| `Unknown of string
| `Unimplemented
| `Disconnected

IO operation errors

type macaddr

Unique MAC identifier for the device

include DEVICE with type error := error
val write : t -> buffer -> unit io

write nf buf outputs buf to netfront nf.

val writev : t -> buffer list -> unit io

writev nf bufs output a list of buffers to netfront nf as a single packet.

val listen : t -> (buffer -> unit io) -> unit io

listen nf fn is a blocking operation that calls fn buf with every packet that is read from the interface. It returns as soon as it has initialised, and the function can be stopped by calling disconnect in the device layer.

val mac : t -> macaddr

mac nf is the MAC address of nf.

type stats = {
# mutable rx_bytes
: int64;
# mutable rx_pkts
: int32;
# mutable tx_bytes
: int64;
# mutable tx_pkts
: int32;

Frame statistics to track the usage of the device.

val get_stats_counters : t -> stats

Obtain the most recent snapshot of the device statistics.

val reset_stats_counters : t -> unit

Reset the statistics associated with this device to their defaults.

module type ETHIF = sig

An Ethernet stack that parses frames from a network device and can associate them with IP address via ARP.

type buffer

Abstract type for a memory buffer that may not be page aligned

type netif

Abstract type for an Ethernet network interface.

type error = [
| `Unknown of string
| `Unimplemented
| `Disconnected

IO operation errors

type macaddr

Unique MAC identifier for the device

include DEVICE with type error := error and type id := netif
val write : t -> buffer -> unit io

write nf buf outputs buf to netfront nf.

val writev : t -> buffer list -> unit io

writev nf bufs output a list of buffers to netfront nf as a single packet.

val mac : t -> macaddr

mac nf is the MAC address of nf.

val input : arpv4:(buffer -> unit io) -> ipv4:(buffer -> unit io) -> ipv6:(buffer -> unit io) -> t -> buffer -> unit io

FIXME listen nf fn is a blocking operation that calls fn buf with every packet that is read from the interface. It returns as soon as it has initialised, and the function can be stopped by calling disconnect in the device layer.

module type IP = sig

An IP stack that parses Ethernet frames into IP packets

type buffer

Abstract type for a memory buffer that may not be page aligned

type ethif

Abstract type for an Ethernet device.

type ipaddr

Abstract type for an IP address.

type prefix

Abstract type for an IP prefix.

type error = [
| `Unknown of string
| `Unimplemented

IO operation errors

include DEVICE with type error := error and type id := ethif
type callback = src:ipaddr -> dst:ipaddr -> buffer -> unit io

An input continuation used by the parsing functions to pass on an input packet down the stack. callback ~src ~dst buf will be called with src and dst containing the source and destination IP address respectively, and buf will be a buffer pointing at the start of the IP payload.

val input : t -> tcp:callback -> udp:callback -> default:(proto:int -> callback) -> buffer -> unit io

input ~tcp ~udp ~default ip buf demultiplexes an incoming buffer that contains an IP frame. It examines the protocol header and passes the result onto either the tcp or udp function, or the default function for unknown IP protocols.

val allocate_frame : t -> dst:ipaddr -> proto:[
| `TCP
| `UDP
] -> buffer * int

allocate_frame t ~dst ~proto retrurns a pair (pkt, len) such that Cstruct.sub pkt 0 len is the IP header (including the link layer part) of a packet going to dst for protocol proto. The space in pkt after the first len bytes can be used by the client.

val write : t -> buffer -> buffer -> unit io

write t frame buf writes the packet frame :: buf :: [] to the address dst.

val writev : t -> buffer -> buffer list -> unit io

writev t frame bufs writes the packet frame :: bufs.

val checksum : buffer -> buffer list -> int

checksum frame bufs computes the IP checksum of bufs computing the pseudo-header from the actual header frame. It assumes that frame is of the form returned by allocate_frame, i.e., that it contains the link-layer part.

val get_source : t -> dst:ipaddr -> ipaddr

get_source ip ~dst is the source address to be used to send a packet to dst.

val set_ip : t -> ipaddr -> unit io

Set the IP address associated with this interface. For IPv4, currently only supports a single IPv4 address, and aliases will be added in a future revision.

val get_ip : t -> ipaddr list

Get the IP addresses associated with this interface.

val set_ip_netmask : t -> prefix -> unit io

Set an IP netmask associated with this interface. For IPv4, currently only supports a single IPv4 netmask, and aliases will be added in a future revision.

val get_ip_netmasks : t -> prefix list

Get the IP netmasks associated with this interface.

val set_ip_gateways : t -> ipaddr list -> unit io

Set an IP gateways associated with this interface.

val get_ip_gateways : t -> ipaddr list

Get the IP gateways associated with this interface.

module type IPV4 = sig
include IP
val input_arpv4 : t -> buffer -> unit io
module type IPV6 = sig
include IP
module type UDP = sig

A UDP stack that can send and receive datagrams.

type buffer

Abstract type for a memory buffer that may not be page aligned.

type ip

Abstract type for an IPv4/6 stack for this stack to connect to.

type ipaddr

Abstract type for an IP address representation.

type ipinput

An input function continuation to pass onto the underlying [root:ipv4] stack. This will normally be a NOOP for a conventional kernel, but a direct implementation will parse the buffer.

type error = [
| `Unknown of string

IO operation errors

include DEVICE with type error := error and type id := ip
type callback = src:ipaddr -> dst:ipaddr -> src_port:int -> buffer -> unit io

Callback function that adds the UDP metadata for src and dst IP addresses, the src_port of the connection and the buffer payload of the datagram.

val input : listeners:(dst_port:int -> callback option) -> t -> ipinput

input listeners t demultiplexes incoming datagrams based on their destination port. The listeners callback is will either return a concrete handler or a None, which results in the datagram being dropped.

val write : ?source_port:int -> dest_ip:ipaddr -> dest_port:int -> t -> buffer -> unit io

write ~source_port ~dest_ip ~dest_port udp data is a thread that writes data from an optional source_port to a dest_ip and dest_port IPv4 address pair.

module type TCP = sig

A TCP stack that can send and receive reliable streams using the TCP protocol.

type buffer

Abstract type for a memory buffer that may not be page aligned.

type ip

Abstract type for an IPv4 stack for this stack to connect to.

type ipaddr

Abstract type for an IPv4 address representation.

type ipinput

An input function continuation to pass onto the underlying [root:ipv4] stack. This will normally be a NOOP for a conventional kernel, but a direct implementation will parse the buffer.

type flow

A flow represents the state of a single TCPv4 stream that is connected to an endpoint.

type error = [
| `Unknown of string
| `Timeout
| `Refused

IO operation errors

include DEVICE with type error := error and type id := ip
include FLOW with type error := error and type 'a io := 'a io and type buffer := buffer and type flow := flow
type callback = flow -> unit io

Application callback that receives a flow that it can read/write to.

val get_dest : flow -> ipaddr * int

Get the destination IPv4 address and destination port that a flow is currently connected to.

val write_nodelay : flow -> buffer -> unit io

write_nodelay flow will block until the contents of buffer list are all successfully transmitted to the remote endpoint. Buffering within the stack is minimized in this mode. Note that this API will change in a future revision to be a per-flow attribute instead of a separately exposed function.

val writev_nodelay : flow -> buffer list -> unit io

writev_nodelay flow will block until the contents of buffer list are all successfully transmitted to the remote endpoint. Buffering within the stack is minimized in this mode. Note that this API will change in a future revision to be a per-flow attribute instead of a separately exposed function.

val create_connection : t -> ipaddr * int -> [
| `Ok of flow
| `Error of error
] io

create_connection t (addr,port) will open a TCPv4 connection to the specified endpoint.

val input : t -> listeners:(int -> callback option) -> ipinput

input t listeners defines a mapping of threads that are willing to accept new flows on a given port. If the callback returns None, the input function will return an RST to refuse connections on a port.

module type STACKV4 = sig

A complete TCP/IPv4 stack that can be used by applications to receive and transmit network traffic.

type console

Abstract type of a console logger.

type netif

Abstract type of a network interface that is used to transmit and receive traffic associated with this stack.

type mode

Abstract type of the configuration modes associated with this interface. These can consist of the IPv4 address binding, or a DHCP interface.

type ('console, 'netif, 'mode) config

Abstract type for the collection of user configuration specified to construct a stack.

type ipv4addr

Abstract type of an IPv4 address

type buffer

Abstract type for a memory buffer that may not be page aligned.

type udpv4

Abstract type for a UDPv4 stack.

type tcpv4

Abstract type for a TCPv4 stack.

type ipv4

Abstract type for a IPv4 stack

type error = [
| `Unknown of string

I/O operation errors

include DEVICE with type error := error and type id = (console, netif, mode) config
module UDPV4 : UDP with type +'a io = 'a io and type ipaddr = ipv4addr and type buffer = buffer and type t = udpv4 and type ip = ipv4
module TCPV4 : TCP with type +'a io = 'a io and type ipaddr = ipv4addr and type buffer = buffer and type t = tcpv4 and type ip = ipv4
module IPV4 : IPV4 with type +'a io = 'a io and type ipaddr = ipv4addr and type buffer = buffer and type t = ipv4
val udpv4 : t -> udpv4

udpv4 t obtains a descriptor for use with the UDPV4 module, usually to transmit traffic.

val tcpv4 : t -> tcpv4

tcpv4 t obtains a descriptor for use with the TCPV4 module, usually to initiate outgoing connections.

val ipv4 : t -> ipv4

ipv4 t obtains a descriptor for use with the IPV4 module, which can handle raw IPv4 frames, or manipulate IP address configuration on the stack interface.

val listen_udpv4 : t -> port:int -> UDPV4.callback -> unit

listen_udpv4 t ~port cb will register the cb callback on the UDPv4 port and immediately return. Multiple bindings to the same port will overwrite previous bindings, so callbacks will not chain if ports clash.

val listen_tcpv4 : t -> port:int -> TCPV4.callback -> unit

listen_tcpv4 t ~port cb will register the cb callback on the TCPv4 port and immediately return. Multiple bindings to the same port will overwrite previous bindings, so callbacks will not chain if ports clash.

val listen : t -> unit io

listen t will cause the stack to listen for traffic on the network interface associated with the stack, and demultiplex traffic to the appropriate callbacks.

module type CHANNEL = sig

Type of a buffered byte-stream that is attached to an unbuffered flow (e.g. a TCPv4 connection).

type buffer

Abstract type for a memory buffer that may not be page aligned.

type flow

Abstract type for an unbuffered network flow.

type t

State associated with this channel, such as the inflight buffers.

type +'a io

Abstract type of a blocking IO monad.

type 'a io_stream

Abstract type of a blocking stream of IO requests.

val create : flow -> t

create flow will allocate send and receive buffers and associated them with the given unbuffered flow.

val to_flow : t -> flow

to_flow t will return the flow that backs this channel.

val read_char : t -> char io

Read a single character from the channel, blocking if there is no immediately available input data.

val read_until : t -> char -> (bool * buffer) io

read_until t ch will read from the channel until the given ch character is found. It returns a tuple indicating whether the character was found at all (false indicates that an EOF condition occurred before the character was encountered), and the buffer pointing to the position immediately after the character (or the complete scanned buffer if the character was never encountered).

val read_some : ?len:int -> t -> buffer io
val read_stream : ?len:int -> t -> buffer io_stream

read_stream ?len t will return up to len characters as a stream of buffers. This call will probably be removed in a future revision of the API in favour of read_some.

val read_line : t -> buffer list io

read_line t will read a line of input, which is terminated either by a CRLF sequence, or the end of the channel (which counts as a line).

Returns Returns a list of views that terminates at EOF.
val write_char : t -> char -> unit

write_char t ch writes a single character to the output channel.

val write_string : t -> string -> int -> int -> unit

write_string t buf off len writes len bytes from a string buf, starting from from offset off.

val write_buffer : t -> buffer -> unit

write_buffer t buf will copy the buffer to the channel's output buffer. The buffer should not be modified after being written, and it will be recycled into the buffer allocation pool at some future point.

val write_line : t -> string -> unit

write_line t buf will write the string buf to the output channel and append a newline character afterwards.

val flush : t -> unit io

flush t will flush the output buffer and block if necessary until it is all written out to the flow.

val close : t -> unit io

close t will call flush and then close the underlying flow.

module type FS = sig

A filesystem module.

type block_device_error

Abstract type representing an error from the block layer

type error = [
| `Not_a_directory of string
| `Is_a_directory of string
| `Directory_not_empty of string
| `No_directory_entry of string * string
| `File_already_exists of string
| `No_space
| `Format_not_recognised of string
| `Unknown_error of string
| `Block_device of block_device_error
include DEVICE with type error := error
type page_aligned_buffer

Abstract type for a page-aligned memory buffer

val read : t -> string -> int -> int -> [
| `Ok of page_aligned_buffer list
| `Error of error
] io

read t key offset length reads up to length bytes from the value associated with key. If less data is returned than requested, this indicates the end of the value.

val size : t -> string -> [
| `Error of error
| `Ok of int64
] io

Get the value size.

type stat = {
# filename
: string;(*Filename within the enclosing directory*)
# read_only
: bool;(*True means the contents are read-only*)
# directory
: bool;(*True means the entity is a directory; false means a file*)
# size
: int64;(*Size of the entity in bytes*)

Per-file/directory statistics

val format : t -> int64 -> [
| `Ok of unit
| `Error of error
] io

format t size erases the contents of t and creates an empty filesystem of size size bytes

val create : t -> string -> [
| `Ok of unit
| `Error of error
] io

create t path creates an empty file at path

val mkdir : t -> string -> [
| `Ok of unit
| `Error of error
] io

mkdir t path creates an empty directory at path

val destroy : t -> string -> [
| `Ok of unit
| `Error of error
] io

destroy t path removes a path (which may be a file or an empty directory) on filesystem t

val stat : t -> string -> [
| `Ok of stat
| `Error of error
] io

stat t path returns information about file or directory at path

val listdir : t -> string -> [
| `Ok of string list
| `Error of error
] io

listdir t path returns the names of files and subdirectories within the directory path

val write : t -> string -> int -> page_aligned_buffer -> [
| `Ok of unit
| `Error of error
] io

write t path offset data writes data at offset in file path on filesystem t

module type IO_PAGE = sig

Memory allocation interface.

type buf

Type of a C buffer (usually Cstruct)

type t = (char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t

Type of memory blocks.

val get : int -> t

get n allocates and returns a memory block of n pages. If there is not enough memory, the unikernel will terminate.

val get_order : int -> t

get_order i is get (1 lsl i).

val pages : int -> t list

pages n allocates a memory block of n pages and return the the list of pages allocated.

val pages_order : int -> t list

pages_order i is pages (1 lsl i).

val length : t -> int

length t is the size of t, in bytes.

val to_cstruct : t -> buf
val to_string : t -> string
val to_pages : t -> t list

to_pages t is a list of size memory blocks of one page each, where size is the size of t in pages.

val string_blit : string -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit

string_blit src srcoff dst dstoff len copies len bytes from string src, starting at byte number srcoff, to memory block dst, starting at byte number dstoff.

val blit : t -> t -> unit

blit t1 t2 is the same as Bigarray.Array1.blit.

val round_to_page_size : int -> int

round_to_page_size n returns the number of bytes that will be allocated for storing n bytes in memory

module type KV_RO = sig

Static Key/value store.

type error =
# | Unknown_key of string
include DEVICE with type error := error
type page_aligned_buffer

Abstract type for a page-aligned memory buffer

val read : t -> string -> int -> int -> [
| `Ok of page_aligned_buffer list
| `Error of error
] io

read t key offset length reads up to length bytes from the value associated with key. If less data is returned than requested, this indicates the end of the value.

val size : t -> string -> [
| `Error of error
| `Ok of int64
] io

Get the value size.
