
module OASISLibrary

: sig

Library section

Author Sylvain Le Gall
val find_module : (string -> bool) -> OASISTypes.build_section -> OASISUnixPath.unix_filename -> [
| `No_sources of OASISUnixPath.unix_filename list
| `Sources of OASISUnixPath.unix_filename * string list

Looks for a module file, considering capitalization or not.

val source_unix_files : ctxt:OASISContext.t -> OASISTypes.common_section * OASISTypes.build_section * OASISTypes.library -> (OASISTypes.unix_filename -> bool) -> (OASISTypes.unix_filename * OASISTypes.unix_filename list) list

source_unix_files (cs, bs, lib) source_file_exists Source files for this library. The first part of the tuple is the file without extenstion for modules and the second part is the source files matching (e.g. .ml and .mli).

val generated_unix_files : ctxt:OASISContext.t -> is_native:bool -> has_native_dynlink:bool -> ext_lib:string -> ext_dll:string -> source_file_exists:(OASISTypes.unix_filename -> bool) -> OASISTypes.common_section * OASISTypes.build_section * OASISTypes.library -> OASISTypes.unix_filename list list

generated_unix_files ~ctxt source_file_exists has_native_dynlink is_native ext_lib ext_dll (cs, bs, lib) Compute all files expected by a build of the library. For each file a list of alternatives is provided.

val schema : (OASISTypes.common_section * OASISTypes.build_section * OASISTypes.library) OASISSchema.t

Schema for the section. Not exported.
