
module Sig

: sig

Signatures for graph implementations.

Signatures for graph implementations

module type VERTEX = sig

Signature for vertices.

Vertices are COMPARABLE.

type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val hash : t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool

Vertices are labeled.

type label
val create : label -> t
val label : t -> label
module type EDGE = sig

Signature for edges.


type t
val compare : t -> t -> int

Edges are directed.

type vertex
val src : t -> vertex

Edge origin.

val dst : t -> vertex

Edge destination.

Edges are labeled.

type label
val create : vertex -> label -> vertex -> t

create v1 l v2 creates an edge from v1 to v2 with label l

val label : t -> label

Get the label of an edge.

module type G = sig

Common signature for all graphs.

Graph structure

type t

Abstract type of graphs

module V : VERTEX

Vertices have type V.t and are labeled with type V.label (note that an implementation may identify the vertex with its label)

type vertex = V.t
module E : EDGE with type vertex = vertex

Edges have type E.t and are labeled with type E.label. src (resp. dst) returns the origin (resp. the destination) of a given edge.

type edge = E.t
val is_directed : bool

Is this an implementation of directed graphs?

Size functions

val is_empty : t -> bool
val nb_vertex : t -> int
val nb_edges : t -> int

Degree of a vertex

val out_degree : t -> vertex -> int

out_degree g v returns the out-degree of v in g.

Raises Invalid_argument if v is not in g.
val in_degree : t -> vertex -> int

in_degree g v returns the in-degree of v in g.

Raises Invalid_argument if v is not in g.

Membership functions

val mem_vertex : t -> vertex -> bool
val mem_edge : t -> vertex -> vertex -> bool
val mem_edge_e : t -> edge -> bool
val find_edge : t -> vertex -> vertex -> edge

find_edge g v1 v2 returns the edge from v1 to v2 if it exists. Unspecified behaviour if g has several edges from v1 to v2.

Raises Not_found if no such edge exists.
val find_all_edges : t -> vertex -> vertex -> edge list

Successors and predecessors

You should better use iterators on successors/predecessors (see Section "Vertex iterators").

val succ : t -> vertex -> vertex list

succ g v returns the successors of v in g.

Raises Invalid_argument if v is not in g.
val pred : t -> vertex -> vertex list

pred g v returns the predecessors of v in g.

Raises Invalid_argument if v is not in g.

Labeled edges going from/to a vertex

val succ_e : t -> vertex -> edge list

succ_e g v returns the edges going from v in g.

Raises Invalid_argument if v is not in g.
val pred_e : t -> vertex -> edge list

pred_e g v returns the edges going to v in g.

Raises Invalid_argument if v is not in g.

Graph iterators

val iter_vertex : (vertex -> unit) -> t -> unit

Iter on all vertices of a graph.

val fold_vertex : (vertex -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a

Fold on all vertices of a graph.

val iter_edges : (vertex -> vertex -> unit) -> t -> unit

Iter on all edges of a graph. Edge label is ignored.

val fold_edges : (vertex -> vertex -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a

Fold on all edges of a graph. Edge label is ignored.

val iter_edges_e : (edge -> unit) -> t -> unit

Iter on all edges of a graph.

val fold_edges_e : (edge -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a

Fold on all edges of a graph.

val map_vertex : (vertex -> vertex) -> t -> t

Map on all vertices of a graph.

Vertex iterators

Each iterator iterator f v g iters f to the successors/predecessors of v in the graph g and raises Invalid_argument if v is not in g. It is the same for functions fold_* which use an additional accumulator.

Time complexity for ocamlgraph implementations: operations on successors are in O(1) amortized for imperative graphs and in O(ln(|V|)) for persistent graphs while operations on predecessors are in O(max(|V|,|E|)) for imperative graphs and in O(max(|V|,|E|)*ln|V|) for persistent graphs.

iter/fold on all successors/predecessors of a vertex.

val iter_succ : (vertex -> unit) -> t -> vertex -> unit
val iter_pred : (vertex -> unit) -> t -> vertex -> unit
val fold_succ : (vertex -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> vertex -> 'a -> 'a
val fold_pred : (vertex -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> vertex -> 'a -> 'a

iter/fold on all edges going from/to a vertex.

val iter_succ_e : (edge -> unit) -> t -> vertex -> unit
val fold_succ_e : (edge -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> vertex -> 'a -> 'a
val iter_pred_e : (edge -> unit) -> t -> vertex -> unit
val fold_pred_e : (edge -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> vertex -> 'a -> 'a
module type P = sig

Signature for persistent (i.e. immutable) graph.

include G
val empty : t

The empty graph.

val add_vertex : t -> vertex -> t

add_vertex g v adds the vertex v to the graph g. Just return g if v is already in g.

val remove_vertex : t -> vertex -> t

remove g v removes the vertex v from the graph g (and all the edges going from v in g). Just return g if v is not in g.

Time complexity for ocamlgraph implementations: O(|V|*ln(|V|)) for unlabeled graphs and O(|V|*max(ln(|V|),D)) for labeled graphs. D is the maximal degree of the graph.

val add_edge : t -> vertex -> vertex -> t

add_edge g v1 v2 adds an edge from the vertex v1 to the vertex v2 in the graph g. Add also v1 (resp. v2) in g if v1 (resp. v2) is not in g. Just return g if this edge is already in g.

val add_edge_e : t -> edge -> t

add_edge_e g e adds the edge e in the graph g. Add also E.src e (resp. E.dst e) in g if E.src e (resp. E.dst e) is not in g. Just return g if e is already in g.

val remove_edge : t -> vertex -> vertex -> t

remove_edge g v1 v2 removes the edge going from v1 to v2 from the graph g. If the graph is labelled, all the edges going from v1 to v2 are removed from g. Just return g if this edge is not in g.

Raises Invalid_argument if v1 or v2 are not in g.
val remove_edge_e : t -> edge -> t

remove_edge_e g e removes the edge e from the graph g. Just return g if e is not in g.

Raises Invalid_argument if E.src e or E.dst e are not in g.
module type I = sig

Signature for imperative (i.e. mutable) graphs.

include G
val create : ?size:int -> unit -> t

create () returns an empty graph. Optionally, a size can be given, which should be on the order of the expected number of vertices that will be in the graph (for hash tables-based implementations). The graph grows as needed, so size is just an initial guess.

val clear : t -> unit
val copy : t -> t

copy g returns a copy of g. Vertices and edges (and eventually marks, see module Mark) are duplicated.

val add_vertex : t -> vertex -> unit

add_vertex g v adds the vertex v to the graph g. Do nothing if v is already in g.

val remove_vertex : t -> vertex -> unit

remove g v removes the vertex v from the graph g (and all the edges going from v in g). Do nothing if v is not in g.

Time complexity for ocamlgraph implementations: O(|V|*ln(D)) for unlabeled graphs and O(|V|*D) for labeled graphs. D is the maximal degree of the graph.

val add_edge : t -> vertex -> vertex -> unit

add_edge g v1 v2 adds an edge from the vertex v1 to the vertex v2 in the graph g. Add also v1 (resp. v2) in g if v1 (resp. v2) is not in g. Do nothing if this edge is already in g.

val add_edge_e : t -> edge -> unit

add_edge_e g e adds the edge e in the graph g. Add also E.src e (resp. E.dst e) in g if E.src e (resp. E.dst e) is not in g. Do nothing if e is already in g.

val remove_edge : t -> vertex -> vertex -> unit

remove_edge g v1 v2 removes the edge going from v1 to v2 from the graph g. If the graph is labelled, all the edges going from v1 to v2 are removed from g. Do nothing if this edge is not in g.

Raises Invalid_argument if v1 or v2 are not in g.
val remove_edge_e : t -> edge -> unit

remove_edge_e g e removes the edge e from the graph g. Do nothing if e is not in g.

Raises Invalid_argument if E.src e or E.dst e are not in g.
module type MARK = sig

Signature for marks on vertices.

type graph

Type of graphs.

type vertex

Type of graph vertices.

val clear : graph -> unit

clear g sets all the marks to 0 for all the vertices of g.

val get : vertex -> int

Mark value (in O(1)).

val set : vertex -> int -> unit

Set the mark of the given vertex.

module type IM = sig

Signature for imperative graphs with marks on vertices.

include I
module Mark : MARK with type graph = t and type vertex = vertex

Mark on vertices. Marks can be used if you want to store some information on vertices: it is more efficient to use marks than an external table.


Signature for ordered and hashable types

module type ANY_TYPE = sig

Signature with only an abstract type.

type t
module type ORDERED_TYPE = sig

Signature equivalent to Set.OrderedType.

type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module type ORDERED_TYPE_DFT = sig

Signature equivalent to Set.OrderedType with a default value.

val default : t
module type HASHABLE = sig

Signature equivalent to Hashtbl.HashedType.

type t
val hash : t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
module type COMPARABLE = sig

Signature merging ORDERED_TYPE and HASHABLE.

type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val hash : t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool