
module Netplex_kit

: sig

Netplex toolkit

class type virtual v_processor =
method virtual process : when_done:(unit -> unit) -> Netplex_types.container -> Unix.file_descr -> string -> unit
method virtual supported_ptypes : Netplex_types.parallelization_type list

Same as processor, but the methods process and supported_ptypes are flagged as virtual

class empty_processor_hooks : unit -> Netplex_types.processor_hooks

This is an empty set of processor hooks, i.e. all methods are empty

class processor_hooks_delegation : Netplex_types.processor_hooks -> Netplex_types.processor_hooks

Takes a hooks object, and makes a class of it. Useful for overriding methods in an object.

class virtual processor_base : Netplex_types.processor_hooks -> v_processor

A virtual (incomplete) base class for processors. As argument the user-supplied hooks are passed in. Use this class as in:

         class my_processor hooks =
           inherit Netplex_kit.processor_base hooks
           method process ~when_done container fd proto_name = ...
           method supported_ptypes = ...

In order to run actions from hooks, redefine the hook methods as in:

         class my_processor hooks =
           inherit Netplex_kit.processor_base hooks as super
           method process ~when_done container fd proto_name = ...
           method supported_ptypes = ...
           method post_start_hook container =
             ... (* my action *);
             super # post_start_hook container
class protocol_switch_processor : (string * Netplex_types.processor) list -> Netplex_types.processor

The arg is a list of pairs (proto_name, proto_proc). All mentioned processors are merged into a single processor. When a TCP connection arrives, it depends on the protocol which processor is actually activated. (Every socket is bound to a protocol, so this can be derived from the socket.)

It is up to the user whether the merge makes sense.

class protocol_switch_factory : string -> (string * Netplex_types.processor_factory) list -> Netplex_types.processor_factory

protocol_switch_factory name merge_list: Merges the factories in merge_list to a single factory. Which factory is selected depends on the protocol.

For example:

          service {
            name = "...";
            protocol {
               name = "A"; ...;
            protocol {
               name = "B"; ...;
            processor {
               type = "merged";
               A {
               B {

Here, two protocols A and B are defined, and there is a subsection in processor for each of the protocols configuring the used service. "merged" is the name of the merged factories.

For example, A could be an RPC interface, and B could be an HTTP interface providing the same service.

For every protocol in merge_list there must be a subsection in processor for the protocol. This subsection configures then the processor. It is not an error not to create sockets for a protocol in merge_list.

val add_helper_service : Netplex_types.controller -> string -> Netplex_types.processor_hooks -> unit

add_helper_service ctrl name hooks: Adds a helper service name to the controller ctrl. The helper service does not have any externally accessible socket, but starts a single regular container that looks like any other container. Whatever needs to be initialized must be done in the pre_start_hook or the post_start_hook.

This function must be called in controller context, for example in the late_initializer of Netplex_main.startup, but it can also be started later.

For an example, look at examples/netplex/helper_container.ml in the distributed source tarball.

For multi-threaded programs, Netplex_cenv.run_in_controller_context is the required companion function to start helper threads at any time. Multi-processing programs do not have such an easy way to add helpers. They should it at program startup time.

Known bug. The the helper component will be in "starting" state as long as the post_start_hook runs.

val create_protocol : ?lstn_backlog:int -> ?lstn_reuseaddr:bool -> ?so_keepalive:bool -> ?tcp_nodelay:bool -> ?configure_slave_socket:(Unix.file_descr -> unit) -> string -> Netplex_types.extended_address array -> Netplex_types.protocol

create_protocol name addresses: Creates a protocol object from the passed arguments

val create_socket_service_config : ?startup_timeout:float -> ?change_user_to:int * int -> ?gc_when_idle:bool -> ?conn_limit:int -> string -> Netplex_types.protocol list -> Netplex_types.controller_config -> Netplex_types.socket_service_config

create_socket_service_config name protos ctrl_conf: Creates a socket_service_config object from the passed arguments
