
module EndianString

: sig
module type EndianStringSig = sig

Functions reading according to Big Endian byte order

val get_char : string -> int -> char

get_char buff i reads 1 byte at offset i as a char

val get_uint8 : string -> int -> int

get_uint8 buff i reads 1 byte at offset i as an unsigned int of 8 bits. i.e. It returns a value between 0 and 2^8-1

val get_int8 : string -> int -> int

get_int8 buff i reads 1 byte at offset i as a signed int of 8 bits. i.e. It returns a value between -2^7 and 2^7-1

val get_uint16 : string -> int -> int

get_uint16 buff i reads 2 bytes at offset i as an unsigned int of 16 bits. i.e. It returns a value between 0 and 2^16-1

val get_int16 : string -> int -> int

get_int16 buff i reads 2 byte at offset i as a signed int of 16 bits. i.e. It returns a value between -2^15 and 2^15-1

val get_int32 : string -> int -> int32

get_int32 buff i reads 4 bytes at offset i as an int32.

val get_int64 : string -> int -> int64

get_int64 buff i reads 8 bytes at offset i as an int64.

val get_float : string -> int -> float

get_float buff i is equivalent to Int32.float_of_bits (get_int32 buff i)

val get_double : string -> int -> float

get_double buff i is equivalent to Int64.float_of_bits (get_int64 buff i)

val set_char : Bytes.t -> int -> char -> unit

Deprecated This is a deprecated alias of [root:endianBytes].set_char.
val set_int8 : Bytes.t -> int -> int -> unit

Deprecated This is a deprecated alias of [root:endianBytes].set_int8.
val set_int16 : Bytes.t -> int -> int -> unit

Deprecated This is a deprecated alias of [root:endianBytes].set_int16.
val set_int32 : Bytes.t -> int -> int32 -> unit

Deprecated This is a deprecated alias of [root:endianBytes].set_int32.
val set_int64 : Bytes.t -> int -> int64 -> unit

Deprecated This is a deprecated alias of [root:endianBytes].set_int64.
val set_float : Bytes.t -> int -> float -> unit

Deprecated This is a deprecated alias of [root:endianBytes].set_float.
val set_double : Bytes.t -> int -> float -> unit

Deprecated This is a deprecated alias of [root:endianBytes].set_double.
module BigEndian : sig

Functions reading according to Big Endian byte order without checking for overflow

include EndianStringSig
module BigEndian_unsafe : sig

Functions reading according to Big Endian byte order without checking for overflow

include EndianStringSig
module LittleEndian : sig

Functions reading according to Little Endian byte order

include EndianStringSig
module LittleEndian_unsafe : sig

Functions reading according to Big Endian byte order without checking for overflow

include EndianStringSig
module NativeEndian : sig

Functions reading according to machine endianness

include EndianStringSig
module NativeEndian_unsafe : sig

Functions reading according to machine endianness without checking for overflow

include EndianStringSig