
module OpamAction

: sig

OPAM actions

val download_package : OpamState.Types.t -> OpamTypes.package -> unit

Downloads the source for a package to the local cache.

val extract_package : OpamState.Types.t -> OpamTypes.package -> unit

Extracts and patches the source of a package found in the local cache.

val build_and_install_package : OpamState.Types.t -> metadata:bool -> OpamTypes.package -> unit

Build and install a package from its downloaded source.

val remove_package : OpamState.Types.t -> metadata:bool -> ?keep_build:bool -> ?silent:bool -> OpamTypes.package -> unit

Remove a package.

val cleanup_package_artefacts : OpamState.Types.t -> OpamTypes.package -> unit

Removes auxiliary files related to a package, after checking that they're not needed (even in other switches)

val remove_all_packages : OpamState.Types.t -> metadata:bool -> OpamSolver.solution -> (OpamState.Types.t * OpamTypes.package_set) * [
| `Successful of unit
| `Exception of exn

Remove all the packages from a solution. This includes the package to delete, to upgrade and to recompile. Return the updated state and set of all deleted packages.

val sources_needed : OpamState.Types.t -> OpamSolver.solution -> OpamTypes.package_set

Compute the set of packages which will need to be downloaded to apply a solution

val update_metadata : OpamState.Types.t -> installed:OpamTypes.package_set -> installed_roots:OpamTypes.package_set -> reinstall:OpamTypes.package_set -> OpamState.Types.t

Update package metadata
