
module OpamFilename

: sig

Typed filename manipulation

module Base : OpamMisc.ABSTRACT


module Dir : OpamMisc.ABSTRACT

Directory names

val cwd : unit -> Dir.t

Return the current working directory

val rmdir : Dir.t -> unit

Remove a directory

val cleandir : Dir.t -> unit

Clean the contents of a directory.

val mkdir : Dir.t -> unit

Create a directory

val rec_dirs : Dir.t -> Dir.t list

List the sub-directory recursively

val dir_is_empty : Dir.t -> bool
val dirs : Dir.t -> Dir.t list

List the sub-directory (do not recurse)

val in_dir : Dir.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

Evaluate a function in a given directory

val exec : Dir.t -> ?env:(string * string) list -> ?name:string -> ?metadata:(string * string) list -> ?keep_going:bool -> string list list -> unit

Execute a list of commands in a given directory

val move_dir : src:Dir.t -> dst:Dir.t -> unit

Move a directory

val copy_dir : src:Dir.t -> dst:Dir.t -> unit

Copy a directory

val exists_dir : Dir.t -> bool

Does the directory existsb ?

val dirname_dir : Dir.t -> Dir.t

Return the parent directory

val basename_dir : Dir.t -> Base.t

Return the deeper directory name

val to_list_dir : Dir.t -> Dir.t list

Turn a full path into a list of directory names

val raw_dir : string -> Dir.t

Creation from a raw string (as http://<path>)

val with_tmp_dir : (Dir.t -> 'a) -> 'a

Execute a function in a temp directory

include OpamMisc.ABSTRACT
type generic_file =
# | D of Dir.t
# | F of t

Generic filename

val create : Dir.t -> Base.t -> t

Create a filename from a Dir.t and a basename

val of_basename : Base.t -> t

Create a file from a basename and the current working directory as dirname

val raw : string -> t

Creation from a raw string (as http://<path>)

val prettify : t -> string

Prettify a filename:

  • replace /path/to/opam/foo by <opam>/foo
  • replace /path/to/home/foo by ~/foo
val prettify_dir : Dir.t -> string

Prettify a dirname.

val dirname : t -> Dir.t

Return the directory name

val basename : t -> Base.t

Return the base name

val read : t -> string

Retrieves the contents from the hard disk.

val open_in : t -> Pervasives.in_channel

Open a channel from a given file.

val open_out : t -> Pervasives.out_channel
val remove : t -> unit

Removes everything in filename if existed.

val write : t -> string -> unit

Removes everything in filename if existed, then write contents instead.

val exists : t -> bool

see Sys.file_exists

val check_suffix : t -> string -> bool

Check whether a file has a given suffix

val add_extension : t -> string -> t

Add a file extension

val chop_extension : t -> t

Remove the file extension

val rec_files : Dir.t -> t list

List all the filenames, recursively

val files : Dir.t -> t list

List all the filename. Do not recurse.

val with_contents : (string -> 'a) -> t -> 'a

Apply a function on the contents of a file

val copy_in : ?root:Dir.t -> t -> Dir.t -> unit

Copy a file in a directory. If root is set, copy also the sub-directories. For instance, copy_in ~root:"/foo" "/foo/bar/gni" "/toto" creates "/toto/bar/gni".

val move : src:t -> dst:t -> unit

Move a file

val is_exec : t -> bool

Is an executable ?

val copy : src:t -> dst:t -> unit

Copy a file

val install : ?exec:bool -> src:t -> dst:t -> unit -> unit

Installs a file to a destination. Optionnally set if the destination should be set executable

val extract : t -> Dir.t -> unit

Extract an archive in a given directory (it rewrites the root to match Dir.t dir if needed)

val extract_in : t -> Dir.t -> unit

Extract an archive in a given directory (which should already exists)

val extract_generic_file : generic_file -> Dir.t -> unit

Extract a generic file

val starts_with : Dir.t -> t -> bool

Check whether a filename starts by a given Dir.t

val ends_with : string -> t -> bool

Check whether a filename ends with a given suffix

val remove_prefix : Dir.t -> t -> string

Remove a prefix from a file name

val remove_suffix : Base.t -> t -> string

Remove a suffix from a filename

val download : overwrite:bool -> ?compress:bool -> t -> Dir.t -> t

download a remote file in a given directory. Return the location of the downloaded file if the download is successful. Compress activates http content compression if supported. May break on gzipped files, only use for text files

val download_as : overwrite:bool -> ?compress:bool -> t -> t -> unit

same as download, but with a specified destination filename instead of a directory

val download_iter : overwrite:bool -> t list -> Dir.t -> t

iterate downloads until one is sucessful

val patch : t -> Dir.t -> unit

Apply a patch to a directory

val digest : t -> string

Compute the MD5 digest of a file

val checksum : t -> string list

Compute the MD5 digest a file. Return the empty list if the file does not exist.

val checksum_dir : Dir.t -> string list

Compute the MD5 digest for all files in a directory.

val touch : t -> unit

Create an empty file

val chmod : t -> int -> unit

Change file permissions

val with_flock : ?read:bool -> t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b

File locks

val copy_files : src:Dir.t -> dst:Dir.t -> unit

copy_if_check t src dst copies all the files from one directory to another. Do nothing if OPAMDONOTCOPYFILE is set to a non-empty value.

module OP : sig
val (/) : Dir.t -> string -> Dir.t

Create a new directory

val (//) : Dir.t -> string -> t

Create a new filename

module Attribute : sig

Simple structure to hanle file attributes

include OpamMisc.ABSTRACT
val to_string_list : t -> string list
val of_string_list : string list -> t
val base : t -> Base.t

Get remote filename

val md5 : t -> string

MD5 digest of the remote file

val perm : t -> int option

File permission

val create : Base.t -> string -> int -> t


val to_attribute : Dir.t -> t -> Attribute.t

Convert a filename to an attribute, relatively to a root
