
module OpamSystem

: sig

Low-level untyped system operations

exception Process_error of OpamProcess.result

Exception raised when subprocess fails

exception Command_not_found of string
val process_error : OpamProcess.result -> 'a

raise Process_error

exception Internal_error of string

Exception raised when a computation in the current process fails.

val internal_error : ('a, unit, string, 'b) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a

Raise Internal_error

val with_tmp_dir : (string -> 'a) -> 'a

with_tmp_dir fn executes fn in a tempory directory

val copy : string -> string -> unit

copy src dst copies src to dst. Remove dst before the copy if it is a link.

val install : ?exec:bool -> string -> string -> unit

install ?exec src dst copies file src as file dst using install. If exec, make the resulting file executable (otherwise, look at the permissions of the original file to decide).

val is_exec : string -> bool

Checks if a file is an executable (regular file with execution permission)

val real_path : string -> string

real_path p returns the real path associated to p: .. are expanded and relative paths become absolute.

val string_of_channel : Pervasives.in_channel -> string

Return the contents of a channel.

val read : string -> string

read filename returns the contents of filename

val write : string -> string -> unit

write filename contents write contents to filename

val remove : string -> unit

remove filename removes filename. Works whether filename is a file or a directory

val remove_file : string -> unit

remove_file filename removes filename. Works only for normal files (or also at least for symlinks)

val remove_dir : string -> unit

remove_dir filename removes filename. Works only for directory (not for symlinks or other files).

val chdir : string -> unit

Change the current working directory

val in_dir : string -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

in_dir dir fn evaluates fn in the directory dir

val rec_files : string -> string list

rec_files dir returns the list of all files in dir, recursively. Links behaving like directory are crossed.

val files : string -> string list

Return the list of files in the current directory.

val rec_dirs : string -> string list

rec_dirs dir return the list list of all directories recursively (going through symbolink links).

val dirs : string -> string list

Return the list of directories in the current directory.

val dir_is_empty : string -> bool
val ocaml_version : string option Lazy.t

Return the version of the current OCaml compiler. If no OCaml compiler is present in the path, then it returns None.

val ocaml_native_available : bool Lazy.t

Returns true if the "ocamlopt" is available in the current switch

val ocaml_opt_available : bool Lazy.t

Returns true if the ".opt" version of the current OCaml compiler is available

val system_ocamlc_where : string option Lazy.t

Return the path where the system ocamlc library is installed

val system_ocamlc_version : string option Lazy.t

Return the version of the system compiler

type command = string list

a command is a list of words

val command_exists : ?env:string array -> string -> bool

Test whether a command exists in the environment.

val command : ?verbose:bool -> ?env:string array -> ?name:string -> ?metadata:(string * string) list -> ?allow_stdin:bool -> command -> unit

command cmd executes the command cmd in the correct OPAM environment.

val commands : ?verbose:bool -> ?env:string array -> ?name:string -> ?metadata:(string * string) list -> ?keep_going:bool -> command list -> unit

commands cmds executes the commands cmds in the correct OPAM environment. It stops whenever one command fails unless keep_going is set to true. In this case, the first error is re-raised at the end.

val read_command_output : ?verbose:bool -> ?env:string array -> ?metadata:(string * string) list -> ?allow_stdin:bool -> command -> string list

read_command_output cmd executes the command cmd in the correct OPAM environment and return the lines from stdout if the command exists normally. If the command does not exist or if the command exited with a non-empty exit-code, throw an error.

val is_tar_archive : string -> bool

Test whether the file is an archive, by looking as its extension

val extract : string -> string -> unit

extract filename dirname extracts the archive filename into dirname. dirname should not exists and filename should contain only one top-level directory.

val extract_in : string -> string -> unit

extract_in filename dirname extracts the archive filename into dirname. dirname should already exists.

val mkdir : string -> unit

Create a directory. Do not fail if the directory already exist.

File locking function

type lock
val flock : ?read:bool -> string -> lock

Acquires a lock on the given file. Retries 5 times max. By default, this is a write lock.

val funlock : lock -> unit

Releases an acquired locl


val download : overwrite:bool -> ?compress:bool -> filename:string -> dst:string -> string

download compiler sources

val patch : string -> unit

Apply a patch file in the current directory.

val temp_file : ?dir:string -> string -> string

Create a tempory file in ~/.opam/logs/<name>XXX

val print_stats : unit -> unit

Print stats

val path_sep : char

The separator character for the PATH variable
