
module Sha256

: sig

SHA256 OCaml binding

type ctx

context type - opaque

type buf = (int, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t

buffer type

type t

digest type - opaque

val zero : t

The zero digest

external init : unit -> ctx = "stub_sha256_init"

Create a new context

external unsafe_update_substring : ctx -> string -> int -> int -> unit = "stub_sha256_update"

Sha256.unsafe_update_substring ctx s ofs len updates the context with the substring of s starting at character number ofs and containing len characters. Unsafe: No range checking!

val update_substring : ctx -> string -> int -> int -> unit

Sha256.update_substring ctx s ofs len updates the context with the substring of s starting at character number ofs and containing len characters.

val update_string : ctx -> string -> unit

Sha256.update_string ctx s updates the context with s.

external update_buffer : ctx -> buf -> unit = "stub_sha256_update_bigarray"

Sha256.update_buffer ctx a updates the context with a. Runs parallel to other threads if any exist.

external finalize : ctx -> t = "stub_sha256_finalize"

Finalize the context and return digest

external copy : ctx -> ctx = "stub_sha256_copy"

Return an copy of the context

val string : string -> t

Return the digest of the given string.

val substring : string -> int -> int -> t

Sha256.substring s ofs len returns the digest of the substring of s starting at character number ofs and containing len characters.

val buffer : buf -> t

Return the digest of the given buffer.

val channel : Pervasives.in_channel -> int -> t

If len is nonnegative, Sha256.channel ic len reads len characters from channel ic and returns their digest, or raises End_of_file if end-of-file is reached before len characters are read. If len is negative, Sha256.channel ic len reads all characters from ic until end-of-file is reached and return their digest.

val file : string -> t

Return the digest of the file whose name is given.

val file_fast : string -> t

Return the digest of the file whose name is given using fast C function

val output : Pervasives.out_channel -> t -> unit

Write a digest on the given output channel.

val input : Pervasives.in_channel -> t

Read a digest from the given input channel.

val to_bin : t -> string

return a binary representation of the given digest

val to_hex : t -> string

return a printable hexadecimal representation of the given digest
