
module Xml_sigs

: sig
module type Wrapped = sig
type 'a wrap
type 'a list_wrap
type uri
val string_of_uri : uri -> string
val uri_of_string : string -> uri
type aname = string
type event_handler
type mouse_event_handler
type keyboard_event_handler
type attrib
val float_attrib : aname -> float wrap -> attrib
val int_attrib : aname -> int wrap -> attrib
val string_attrib : aname -> string wrap -> attrib
val space_sep_attrib : aname -> string list wrap -> attrib
val comma_sep_attrib : aname -> string list wrap -> attrib
val event_handler_attrib : aname -> event_handler -> attrib
val mouse_event_handler_attrib : aname -> mouse_event_handler -> attrib
val keyboard_event_handler_attrib : aname -> keyboard_event_handler -> attrib
val uri_attrib : aname -> uri wrap -> attrib
val uris_attrib : aname -> uri list wrap -> attrib
type elt
type ename = string
val empty : unit -> elt
val comment : string -> elt
val pcdata : string wrap -> elt
val encodedpcdata : string wrap -> elt
val entity : string -> elt
val leaf : ?a:attrib list -> ename -> elt
val node : ?a:attrib list -> ename -> elt list_wrap -> elt
val cdata : string -> elt
val cdata_script : string -> elt
val cdata_style : string -> elt
module type T = Wrapped with type 'a wrap = 'a and type 'a list_wrap = 'a list
module type Iterable = sig
include T
type separator =
# | Space
# | Comma
val aname : attrib -> aname
type acontent = private
# | AFloat of float
# | AInt of int
# | AStr of string
# | AStrL of separator * string list
val acontent : attrib -> acontent
type econtent = private
# | Empty
# | Comment of string
# | EncodedPCDATA of string
# | PCDATA of string
# | Entity of string
# | Leaf of ename * attrib list
# | Node of ename * attrib list * elt list
val content : elt -> econtent
module type Info = sig
val content_type : string
val alternative_content_types : string list
val version : string
val standard : string
val namespace : string
val doctype : string
val emptytags : string list
module type Output = sig
type out
type m
val empty : m
val concat : m -> m -> m
val put : string -> m
val make : m -> out
module type Typed_xml = sig
module Xml : T
module Info : Info
type 'a elt
type doc
val toelt : 'a elt -> Xml.elt
val doc_toelt : doc -> Xml.elt
module type Iterable_typed_xml = sig
module Xml : Iterable
module Info : Info
type 'a elt
type doc
val toelt : 'a elt -> Xml.elt
val doc_toelt : doc -> Xml.elt
module type Printer = sig
type xml_elt
type out
val print_list : ?encode:(string -> string) -> xml_elt list -> out
module type Simple_printer = sig
type xml_elt
val print_list : output:(string -> unit) -> ?encode:(string -> string) -> xml_elt list -> unit
module type Typed_printer = sig
type 'a elt
type doc
type out
val print_list : ?encode:(string -> string) -> 'a elt list -> out
val print : ?encode:(string -> string) -> ?advert:string -> doc -> out
module type Typed_simple_printer = sig
type 'a elt
type doc
val print_list : output:(string -> unit) -> ?encode:(string -> string) -> 'a elt list -> unit
val print : output:(string -> unit) -> ?encode:(string -> string) -> ?advert:string -> doc -> unit