
module UTop_styles

: sig

Styled loaded from ~/.utoprc

type styles = {
# mutable style_keyword
: LTerm_style.t;
# mutable style_symbol
: LTerm_style.t;
# mutable style_ident
: LTerm_style.t;
# mutable style_module
: LTerm_style.t;
# mutable style_constant
: LTerm_style.t;
# mutable style_char
: LTerm_style.t;
# mutable style_string
: LTerm_style.t;
# mutable style_quotation
: LTerm_style.t;
# mutable style_comment
: LTerm_style.t;
# mutable style_doc
: LTerm_style.t;
# mutable style_blanks
: LTerm_style.t;
# mutable style_error
: LTerm_style.t;
# mutable style_directive
: LTerm_style.t;
# mutable style_paren
: LTerm_style.t;
# mutable style_font
: string option;
# mutable style_foreground
: LTerm_style.color option;
# mutable style_background
: LTerm_style.color option;
# mutable style_cursor
: LTerm_style.color option;

Type of utop styles.

val styles : styles

The styles in use.

val load : unit -> unit Lwt.t

Load resources into styles.

val stylise : (UTop_token.location -> LTerm_style.t -> unit) -> (UTop_token.t * UTop_token.location) list -> unit

stylise apply tokens calls apply on all token locations with the associated style.
