
module Feed_cache

: sig

Caching downloaded feeds on disk

type interface_config = {
# stability_policy
: General.stability_level option;
# extra_feeds
: Feed.feed_import list;
val get_cached_feed : General.config -> [< ] -> Feed.feed option

Load a cached feed. As a convenience, this will also load local feeds.

val get_cached_feed_path : General.config -> Feed_url.remote_feed -> Support.Common.filepath option
val get_save_cache_path : General.config -> Feed_url.remote_feed -> Support.Common.filepath
val get_cached_icon_path : General.config -> [< ] -> Support.Common.filepath option
val list_all_feeds : General.config -> Support.Common.StringSet.t
val load_iface_config : General.config -> General.iface_uri -> interface_config
val save_iface_config : General.config -> General.iface_uri -> interface_config -> unit
val is_stale : General.config -> Feed_url.remote_feed -> bool

Check whether feed url is stale. Returns false if it's stale but last-check-attempt is recent

val internal_is_stale : General.config -> Feed_url.remote_feed -> Feed.feed_overrides option -> bool

Low-level part of is_stale that doesn't automatically load the feed overrides (needed to get last_checked). Useful if you've already loaded them yourself (or confirmed they're missing) to avoid doing it twice.

val mark_as_checking : General.config -> Feed_url.remote_feed -> unit

Touch a 'last-check-attempt' timestamp file for this feed. This prevents us from repeatedly trying to download a failing feed many times in a short period.

val get_last_check_attempt : General.config -> Feed_url.remote_feed -> float option