
module Feed_url

: sig

Feed URLs

type local_feed = [
| `local_feed of Support.Common.filepath
type remote_feed = [
| `remote_feed of string
type non_distro_feed = [ ]
type parsed_feed_url = [
| `distribution_feed of non_distro_feed
type global_id = {
# feed
: parsed_feed_url;
# id
: string;

A globally-unique identifier for an implementation.

val parse_non_distro : General.feed_url -> non_distro_feed
val parse : General.feed_url -> parsed_feed_url
val format_url : [< ] -> General.feed_url
val master_feed_of_iface : General.iface_uri -> [> ]

Get the master feed for an interface URI. Internally, this is just parse_non_distro.

module FeedSet : Set.S with type elt = non_distro_feed
module FeedMap : Map.S with type key = non_distro_feed