
module PreCast

: sig
type camlp4_token = Sig.camlp4_token =
# | KEYWORD of string
# | SYMBOL of string
# | LIDENT of string
# | UIDENT of string
# | ESCAPED_IDENT of string
# | INT of int * string
# | INT32 of int32 * string
# | INT64 of int64 * string
# | NATIVEINT of nativeint * string
# | FLOAT of float * string
# | CHAR of char * string
# | STRING of string * string
# | LABEL of string
# | OPTLABEL of string
# | QUOTATION of Sig.quotation
# | ANTIQUOT of string * string
# | COMMENT of string
# | BLANKS of string
# | LINE_DIRECTIVE of int * string option
# | EOI
module Id : Sig.Id
module Loc : Sig.Loc
module Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast with module Loc = Loc
module Token : Sig.Token with module Loc = Loc and type t = camlp4_token
module Lexer : Sig.Lexer with module Loc = Loc and module Token = Token
module Gram : Sig.Grammar.Static with module Loc = Loc and module Token = Token
module Quotation : Sig.Quotation with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst(Ast)
module DynLoader : Sig.DynLoader
module AstFilters : Sig.AstFilters with module Ast = Ast
module Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax with module Loc = Loc and module Token = Token and module Ast = Ast and module Gram = Gram and module Quotation = Quotation
module Printers : sig
module OCaml : Sig.Printer(Ast).S
module OCamlr : Sig.Printer(Ast).S
module DumpOCamlAst : Sig.Printer(Ast).S
module DumpCamlp4Ast : Sig.Printer(Ast).S
module Null : Sig.Printer(Ast).S
module MakeGram : functor (Lexer : Sig.Lexer with module Loc = Loc ) -> Sig.Grammar.Static with module Loc = Loc and module Token = Lexer.Token
module MakeSyntax : functor (U : sig
) -> Sig.Syntax