
module Ref

: sig
type 'a t = 'a Pervasives.ref = {
# mutable contents
: 'a;
val typerep_of_t : 'a Typerep_lib.Std.Typerep.t -> 'a t Typerep_lib.Std.Typerep.t
val typename_of_t : 'a Typerep_lib.Std.Typename.t -> 'a t Typerep_lib.Std.Typename.t
include Container.S1 with type 'a t := 'a t
val create : 'a -> 'a t
val (!) : 'a t -> 'a
val (:=) : 'a t -> 'a -> unit
val swap : 'a t -> 'a t -> unit

swap t1 t2 swaps the values in t1 and t2.

val replace : 'a t -> ('a -> 'a) -> unit

replace t f is t := f !t

module Permissioned : sig
type ('a, -'perms) t
include Container.S1_phantom_permissions with type ('a, 'perms) t := ('a, 'perms) t
val create : 'a -> ('a, [< ]) t
val read_only : ('a, [> ]) t -> ('a, Common.read_only_perms) t
val (!) : ('a, [> ]) t -> 'a

get and (!) are two names for the same function.

val get : ('a, [> ]) t -> 'a
val set : ('a, [> ]) t -> 'a -> unit

set and (:=) are two names for the same function.

val (:=) : ('a, [> ]) t -> 'a -> unit
val of_ref : 'a Pervasives.ref -> ('a, [< ]) t
val to_ref : ('a, [> ]) t -> 'a Pervasives.ref
val swap : ('a, [> ]) t -> ('a, [> ]) t -> unit
val replace : ('a, [> ]) t -> ('a -> 'a) -> unit
val bin_t : 'a Bin_prot.Type_class.t -> 'perms Bin_prot.Type_class.t -> ('a, 'perms) t Bin_prot.Type_class.t
val bin_read_t : 'a Bin_prot.Read.reader -> 'perms Bin_prot.Read.reader -> ('a, 'perms) t Bin_prot.Read.reader
val __bin_read_t__ : 'a Bin_prot.Read.reader -> 'perms Bin_prot.Read.reader -> (int -> ('a, 'perms) t) Bin_prot.Read.reader
val bin_reader_t : 'a Bin_prot.Type_class.reader -> 'perms Bin_prot.Type_class.reader -> ('a, 'perms) t Bin_prot.Type_class.reader
val bin_size_t : 'a Bin_prot.Size.sizer -> 'perms Bin_prot.Size.sizer -> ('a, 'perms) t Bin_prot.Size.sizer
val bin_write_t : 'a Bin_prot.Write.writer -> 'perms Bin_prot.Write.writer -> ('a, 'perms) t Bin_prot.Write.writer
val bin_writer_t : 'a Bin_prot.Type_class.writer -> 'perms Bin_prot.Type_class.writer -> ('a, 'perms) t Bin_prot.Type_class.writer
val t_of_sexp : (Sexplib.Sexp.t -> 'a) -> (Sexplib.Sexp.t -> 'perms) -> Sexplib.Sexp.t -> ('a, 'perms) t
val sexp_of_t : ('a -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) -> ('perms -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) -> ('a, 'perms) t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val t_of_sexp : (Sexplib.Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexplib.Sexp.t -> 'a t
val sexp_of_t : ('a -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) -> 'a t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val compare : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> int
val bin_t : 'a Bin_prot.Type_class.t -> 'a t Bin_prot.Type_class.t
val bin_read_t : 'a Bin_prot.Read.reader -> 'a t Bin_prot.Read.reader
val __bin_read_t__ : 'a Bin_prot.Read.reader -> (int -> 'a t) Bin_prot.Read.reader
val bin_reader_t : 'a Bin_prot.Type_class.reader -> 'a t Bin_prot.Type_class.reader
val bin_size_t : 'a Bin_prot.Size.sizer -> 'a t Bin_prot.Size.sizer
val bin_write_t : 'a Bin_prot.Write.writer -> 'a t Bin_prot.Write.writer
val bin_writer_t : 'a Bin_prot.Type_class.writer -> 'a t Bin_prot.Type_class.writer