
module Input

: sig

Input routines

load a file in gzip format

Returns ExtLib.IO.input channel

load a file in bzip format - Not implemented yet

Returns ExtLib.IO.input channel
val std_open_file : string -> IO.input

load a non compressed file

Returns ExtLib.IO.input channel
val open_file : string -> IO.input

load a file either in gzip, bzip or not compressed format

Returns ExtLib.IO.input channel
val open_ch : Pervasives.in_channel -> IO.input
val close_ch : IO.input -> unit
val parse_uri : string -> Url.filetypes * (string option * string option * string option * string option * string) * string option

parse a uri. i.e. : deb://path/to/file rpm://path/to/file cudf://path/to/file

Returns a tuple representing the uri
val guess_format : string list list -> Url.filetypes

guess the input format from a list of list of uris and check if the list is omogenueous w.r.t the guessed format. Fails otherwise
