
module Url

: sig

This module provides functions for tampering with Url. It's main goal is to allow one to stay in the Ocaml realm without wandering into the Dom_html.window##location object.

The first functions are mainly from and to string conversion functions for the different parts of a url.

val urldecode : string -> string

urldecode s swaps percent encoding characters for their usual representation.

val urlencode : ?with_plus:bool -> string -> string

urlencode ?with_plus s replace characters for their percent encoding representation. Note that the '/' (slash) character is escaped as well. If with_plus is true (default) then '+''s are escaped as "%2B". If not, '+''s are left as is.

type http_url = {
# hu_host
: string;(*The host part of the url.*)
# hu_port
: int;(*The port for the connection if any.*)
# hu_path
: string list;(*The path splitted on '/' characters.*)
# hu_path_string
: string;(*The original entire path.*)
# hu_arguments
: (string * string) list;(*Arguments as a field-value association list.*)
# hu_fragment
: string;(*The fragment part (after the '#' character).*)

The type for HTTP(s) url.

type file_url = {
# fu_path
: string list;
# fu_path_string
: string;
# fu_arguments
: (string * string) list;
# fu_fragment
: string;

The type for local file urls.

type url =
# | Http of http_url
(*Non secure HTTP urls*)
# | Https of http_url
(*Secure HTTPS urls*)
# | File of file_url
(*Local files*)

The type for urls.

val default_http_port : int

The default port for Http communications (80).

val default_https_port : int

The default port for Https communications (443).

val path_of_path_string : string -> string list

path_of_path_string s splits s on each "/" character.

val encode_arguments : (string * string) list -> string

encode_arguments a expects a list of pair of values of the form (name,value) were name is the name of an argument and value it's associated value.

val decode_arguments : string -> (string * string) list

decode_arguments s parses s returning the sliced-diced association list.

The following part allow one to handle Url object in a much higher level than what a string provides.

val url_of_string : string -> url option

url_of_string s parses s and builds a value of type url if s is not a valid url string, it returns None.

val string_of_url : url -> string

string_of_url u returns a valid string representation of u. Note that string_of_url ((fun Some u -> u) (url_of_string s)) is NOT necessarily equal to s. However url_of_string (string_of_url u) = u.

module Current : sig

This module can be used to handle the Url associated to the current document.

val host : string

The host part of the current url.

val port : int option

The port of the current url.

val protocol : string

The protocol of the current url.

val path_string : string

The path of the current url as one long string.

val path : string list

The path of the current url as a list of small string.

val arguments : (string * string) list

The arguments of the current url as an association list.

val get_fragment : unit -> string

Because the fragment of the Url for the current document can change dynamically, we use a functional value here.

val set_fragment : string -> unit

set_fragment s replaces the current fragment by s.

val get : unit -> url option

get () returns a value of type url with fields reflecting the state of the current Url.

val set : url -> unit

set u replaces the current Url for u. WARNING: Causes the document to change.

val as_string : string

as_string is the original string representation of the current Url. It is NOT necessarily equals to string_of_url (get ()) but url_of_string as_string = get () holds.
