
module Logger

: sig

Log module

1. Provide functions to log arbitrary messages, filtered according to a section and a verbosity level.

2. Allow to setup destinations for these log messages.

MERLIN_LOG environment variable and -debug commandline flag are used to determine destinations.

Verbosity *

type level = [
| `error
| `info
| `debug

Module sections, to group messages along functional lines.

module Section : sig
type t
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
val enabled : level -> t -> bool
val general : t
val project_load : t
val list : unit -> t list
type section = Section.t
val section : string -> section
val general : section
val set_default_destination : string -> unit
val monitor : ?dest:string -> section -> level -> unit

monitor ?dest section starts the monitoring of section. If dest is set then all subsequent logging related to section will go in that file, in the default destination otherwise.

If dest is omitted and the default destination is not set, Invalid_argument is raised.

val is_monitored : section -> bool
val forget : section -> unit

forget section stops the monitoring of section

val log : level -> section -> ?title:string -> string -> unit
val logf : level -> section -> ?title:string -> (Std.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
val logj : level -> section -> ?title:string -> Std.json -> unit
val logjf : level -> section -> ?title:string -> ('a -> Std.json) -> 'a -> unit
val error : section -> ?title:string -> string -> unit
val errorf : section -> ?title:string -> (Std.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
val errorj : section -> ?title:string -> Std.json -> unit
val errorjf : section -> ?title:string -> ('a -> Std.json) -> 'a -> unit

error section msg behaves as log if section is being monitored, but prints to the default_destination (if it is set) otherwise.

val info : section -> ?title:string -> string -> unit
val infof : section -> ?title:string -> (Std.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
val infoj : section -> ?title:string -> Std.json -> unit
val infojf : section -> ?title:string -> ('a -> Std.json) -> 'a -> unit

info section msg will output msg on the channel dedicated to section, if it is being monitored.

val debug : section -> ?title:string -> string -> unit
val debugf : section -> ?title:string -> (Std.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
val debugj : section -> ?title:string -> Std.json -> unit
val debugjf : section -> ?title:string -> ('a -> Std.json) -> 'a -> unit

Use debug section msg for mostly unimportant messages, those will be displayed only if verbose.

val shutdown : unit -> unit

Closes all the open channels, unsets the default destination and stops all monitoring.
