
module Cmo_format

: sig
type reloc_info =
# | Reloc_literal of Lambda.structured_constant
# | Reloc_getglobal of Ident.t
# | Reloc_setglobal of Ident.t
# | Reloc_primitive of string
type compilation_unit = {
# cu_name
: string;
# mutable cu_pos
: int;
# cu_codesize
: int;
# cu_reloc
: (reloc_info * int) list;
# cu_imports
: (string * Digest.t option) list;
# cu_primitives
: string list;
: bool;
# mutable cu_debug
: int;
# cu_debugsize
: int;
type library = {
# lib_units
: compilation_unit list;
# lib_custom
: bool;
# lib_ccobjs
: string list;
# lib_ccopts
: string list;
# lib_dllibs
: string list;