
module Docerr

: sig
type parser_error =
# | Unclosed of Location.t * string * string
# | Expecting of string
type lexer_error =
# | Unmatched_verbatim
# | Unmatched_target
# | Unmatched_code
# | Unmatched_pre_code
# | Unmatched_html_code
# | Unterminated_verbatim
# | Unterminated_target
# | Unterminated_code
# | Unterminated_pre_code
# | Unterminated_ref
# | Unterminated_html_code
# | Nested_verbatim
# | Nested_target
# | Nested_pre_code
# | Nested_html_code
# | Expected_see
# | Unterminated_see_url
# | Unterminated_see_file
# | Unterminated_see_doc
# | Expected_ident
# | Expected_name
# | Expected_version
# | Expected_exception
type comment_error =
# | Unterminated_simple
# | Unterminated_special
type error =
# | Lexer of lexer_error
# | Parser of parser_error
# | Comments of comment_error
exception Error of Location.t * error
val error_message : error -> string