
module Btype

: sig
module TypeSet : Set.S with type elt = Types.type_expr
module TypeMap : Map.S with type key = Types.type_expr
module TypeHash : Hashtbl.S with type key = Types.type_expr
val generic_level : int
val newty2 : int -> Types.type_desc -> Types.type_expr
val newgenty : Types.type_desc -> Types.type_expr
val newgenvar : ?name:string -> unit -> Types.type_expr
val is_Tvar : Types.type_expr -> bool
val is_Tunivar : Types.type_expr -> bool
val dummy_method : Asttypes.label
val default_mty : Types.module_type option -> Types.module_type
val repr : Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr
val field_kind_repr : Types.field_kind -> Types.field_kind
val commu_repr : Types.commutable -> Types.commutable
val row_repr : Types.row_desc -> Types.row_desc
val row_field_repr : Types.row_field -> Types.row_field
val row_field : Asttypes.label -> Types.row_desc -> Types.row_field
val row_more : Types.row_desc -> Types.type_expr
val row_fixed : Types.row_desc -> bool
val static_row : Types.row_desc -> bool
val hash_variant : Asttypes.label -> int
val proxy : Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr
val has_constr_row : Types.type_expr -> bool
val is_row_name : string -> bool
val is_constr_row : Types.type_expr -> bool
val iter_type_expr : (Types.type_expr -> unit) -> Types.type_expr -> unit
val iter_row : (Types.type_expr -> unit) -> Types.row_desc -> unit
val iter_abbrev : (Types.type_expr -> unit) -> Types.abbrev_memo -> unit
type type_iterators = {
# it_signature
: type_iterators -> Types.signature -> unit;
# it_signature_item
: type_iterators -> Types.signature_item -> unit;
# it_value_description
: type_iterators -> Types.value_description -> unit;
# it_type_declaration
: type_iterators -> Types.type_declaration -> unit;
# it_extension_constructor
: type_iterators -> Types.extension_constructor -> unit;
# it_module_declaration
: type_iterators -> Types.module_declaration -> unit;
# it_modtype_declaration
: type_iterators -> Types.modtype_declaration -> unit;
# it_class_declaration
: type_iterators -> Types.class_declaration -> unit;
# it_class_type_declaration
: type_iterators -> Types.class_type_declaration -> unit;
# it_module_type
: type_iterators -> Types.module_type -> unit;
# it_class_type
: type_iterators -> Types.class_type -> unit;
# it_type_kind
: type_iterators -> Types.type_kind -> unit;
# it_do_type_expr
: type_iterators -> Types.type_expr -> unit;
# it_type_expr
: type_iterators -> Types.type_expr -> unit;
# it_path
: Path.t -> unit;
val type_iterators : type_iterators
val unmark_iterators : type_iterators
val copy_type_desc : ?keep_names:bool -> (Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr) -> Types.type_desc -> Types.type_desc
val copy_row : (Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr) -> bool -> Types.row_desc -> bool -> Types.type_expr -> Types.row_desc
val copy_kind : Types.field_kind -> Types.field_kind
val save_desc : Types.type_expr -> Types.type_desc -> unit
val dup_kind : Types.field_kind option Pervasives.ref -> unit
val cleanup_types : unit -> unit
val lowest_level : int
val pivot_level : int
val mark_type : Types.type_expr -> unit
val mark_type_node : Types.type_expr -> unit
val mark_type_params : Types.type_expr -> unit
val unmark_type : Types.type_expr -> unit
val unmark_type_decl : Types.type_declaration -> unit
val unmark_extension_constructor : Types.extension_constructor -> unit
val unmark_class_type : Types.class_type -> unit
val unmark_class_signature : Types.class_signature -> unit
val find_expans : Asttypes.private_flag -> Path.t -> Types.abbrev_memo -> Types.type_expr option
val cleanup_abbrev : unit -> unit
val memorize_abbrev : Types.abbrev_memo Pervasives.ref -> Asttypes.private_flag -> Path.t -> Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr -> unit
val forget_abbrev : Types.abbrev_memo Pervasives.ref -> Path.t -> unit
val is_optional : Asttypes.label -> bool
val label_name : Asttypes.label -> Asttypes.label
val prefixed_label_name : Asttypes.label -> Asttypes.label
val extract_label : Asttypes.label -> (Asttypes.label * 'a) list -> Asttypes.label * 'a * (Asttypes.label * 'a) list * (Asttypes.label * 'a) list
type snapshot
val snapshot : unit -> snapshot
val backtrack : snapshot -> unit
val set_level : Types.type_expr -> int -> unit
val set_name : (Path.t * Types.type_expr list) option Pervasives.ref -> (Path.t * Types.type_expr list) option -> unit
val set_row_field : Types.row_field option Pervasives.ref -> Types.row_field -> unit
val set_univar : Types.type_expr option Pervasives.ref -> Types.type_expr -> unit
val set_kind : Types.field_kind option Pervasives.ref -> Types.field_kind -> unit
val set_commu : Types.commutable Pervasives.ref -> Types.commutable -> unit
val set_typeset : TypeSet.t Pervasives.ref -> TypeSet.t -> unit
val log_type : Types.type_expr -> unit
val print_raw : (Format.formatter -> Types.type_expr -> unit) Pervasives.ref