
module Graphml

: sig

Generic GraphMl Printer

module type G = sig

Graph information required by Graphml

type t
type vertex
module E : sig
type t
val src : t -> vertex
val dst : t -> vertex
val is_directed : bool
val iter_vertex : (vertex -> unit) -> t -> unit
val iter_edges_e : (E.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
module Print : functor (G : G) -> functor (L : sig
val vertex_properties : (string * string * string option) list

List of the type of the vertex proprierties. The format is (id,type,default).

val edge_properties : (string * string * string option) list

List of the type of the edge proprierties.

val map_vertex : G.vertex -> (string * string) list

Associates to each vertex a key/value list where the key is the id of a vertex attribute and the value is the value associated to this vertex

val map_edge : G.E.t -> (string * string) list

Associates to each edge a key/value list

val vertex_uid : G.vertex -> int

Returns a unique integer identifier for the vertex
val edge_uid : G.E.t -> int

Returns a unique integer identifier for the edge
) -> sig

Graphml Printer given a graph and required info

val print : Format.formatter -> G.t -> unit

print fmt graph print the GraphMl representation of the given graph on the given formatter
