
module Ssl_exts

: sig

A few extensions to the ocaml-ssl library Ssl

exception Shutdown_error of Ssl.ssl_error
val get_shutdown : Ssl.socket -> bool * bool

Returns a pair (shutdown_received, shutdown_sent). The first bool is true if a "close notify" alert from the remote peer has been received by th. The second bool is true if a "close notify" alert has been sent.

val get_rbio_eof : Ssl.socket -> bool

Returns whether EOF has been read by the rbio

val single_shutdown : Ssl.socket -> unit

Corresponds to SSL_shutdown: Closes one half of the SSL connection. If called for the first time, a "close notify" alert is sent to the peer. If called for the second time, it is waited until the peer's "close notify" alert arrives.

Use get_shutdown to check what single_shutdown will do.

val single_read : Ssl.socket -> string -> int -> int -> int

Deprecated. Is now identical to Ssl.read,

val single_write : Ssl.socket -> string -> int -> int -> int

Deprecated. Is now identical to Ssl.write

type ssl_mode = {
# enable_partial_write
: bool;
# accept_moving_write_buffer
: bool;
# auto_retry
: bool;
val get_mode : Ssl.socket -> ssl_mode

Returns the current mode

val set_mode : Ssl.socket -> ssl_mode -> unit

Sets additional mode bits. It is not possible to clear bits.

val certificate_fingerprint : Ssl.certificate -> string

Returns the fingerprint in the cert in ':'-separated hex notation
