
module Netplex_types

: sig

Types for Netplex

type encap = Netplex_encap.encap
type param_value = [
| `String of string
| `Int of int
| `Float of float
| `Bool of bool
type param_value_or_any = [
| `Any of exn
| `Encap of encap
type level = [
| `Emerg
| `Alert
| `Crit
| `Err
| `Warning
| `Notice
| `Info
| `Debug

Log levels, modeled after syslog

class type logger =

A logger receives log messages

method log_subch : component:string -> subchannel:string -> level:level -> message:string -> unit

Receive a log message of level from component. The component string is the name of the socket service emitting the message. Optionally, one can specify a subchannel when a single component needs to write to several log files. For example, a subchannel of "access" could select the access log of a webserver. The main log file is selected by passing the empty string as subchannel.

method log : component:string -> level:level -> message:string -> unit

Same as log_subch when subchannel is set to the empty string. This means that the message is sent to the main log file of the component.

method reopen : unit -> unit

Reopen the log files

A logger receives log messages

type parallelization_type = [
| `Multi_processing
| `Multi_threading
| `Controller_attached

Type of parallelization:

  • `Multi_processing on a single host
  • `Multi_threading on a single host
  • `Controller_attached means that the service runs within the controller. This is (for now) only allowed for controller-internal services.
type thread_sys_id = [
| `Thread of int
| `Process of int

A system-specific identifier of the thread/process

type socket_state = [
| `Enabled
| `Disabled
| `Restarting of bool
| `Down

The state of a socket:

  • `Enabled: The controller allows containers to accept connections. Note that this does not necessarily means that there such containers.
  • `Disabled: It is not allowed to accept new connections. The socket is kept open, however.
  • `Restarting b: The containers are being restarted. The boolean argument says whether the socket will be enabled after that.
  • `Down: The socket is down/closed
type container_id = < socket_service_name : string >

Such objects identify containers. As additional info, the method socket_service_name returns the name of the socket service the container implements

type container_state = [
| `Accepting of int * float
| `Busy
| `Starting of float
| `Shutting_down

The container state for workload management:

  • `Accepting(n,t): The container is accepting further connections. It currently processes n connections. The last connection was accepted at time t (seconds since the epoch).
  • `Busy: The container does not accept connections
  • `Starting t: The container was started at time t and is not yet ready.
  • `Shutting_down: The container is being shutted down.
type capacity = [
| `Normal_quality of int * bool
| `Low_quality of int * bool
| `Unavailable

How many connections a container can accept in addition to the existing connections:

  • `Normal_quality(n,greedy): It can accept n connections with normal service quality, n > 0
  • `Low_quality(n,greedy): It can accept n connections with low service quality (e.g. because it is already quite loaded), n > 0
  • `Unavailable: No capacity free

The greedy flag sets whether greedy accepts are allowed.

type extended_address = [
| `Socket of Unix.sockaddr
| `Socket_file of string
| `W32_pipe of string
| `W32_pipe_file of string
| `Container of string * string * string * [
| `Any

Possible addresses:

  • `Socket s: The socket at this socket address
  • `Socket_file f: The file f contains the (anonymous) port number of a socket bound to (This is meant as substitute for Unix Domain sockets on Win32.)
  • `W32_pipe name: The Win32 pipe with this name which must be of the form "\\.\pipe\<pname>"
  • `W32_pipe_file f: The file f contains the (random) name of a Win32 pipe
  • `Container(socket_dir,service_name,proto_name,thread_id): The special endpoint of the container for service_name that is running as thread_id. It is system-dependent what this endpoint "is" in reality, usually a socket or named pipe. If any container of a service is meant, the value `Any is substituted as a placeholder for a not yet known thread_id.
class type controller =
method ptype : parallelization_type

The actually effective parallelization type

method sys_id : thread_sys_id

The thread running the controller

method controller_config : controller_config
method services : (socket_service * socket_controller * workload_manager) list

The list of controlled services

method add_service : socket_service -> workload_manager -> unit

Adds a new service. Containers for these services will be started soon. It is allowed to add several services with the same name (but it will be hard to distinguish them later).

method add_message_receiver : ctrl_message_receiver -> unit

Adds a message receiver. This receiver runs in the context of the controller and receives all messages sent to it. The name method must return the name.

method add_plugin : plugin -> unit

Adds a plugin. If the plugin object has already been added, this is a no-op.

Plugins must have been added before the first container is started. This is not checked, however. You are on the safe side when the plugin is added in the create_processor factory method, or in the post_add_hook of the processor.

method add_admin : (Rpc_server.t -> unit) -> unit

add_admin setup: Allows to bind another RPC program to the admin socket. The function setup will be called whenever a connection to the admin socket is established, and this function can call Rpc_server.bind to bind another RPC program. By default, only the Admin interface is available as described in netplex_ctrl.x.

Note that this RPC server runs in the scope of the controller! No additional process or thread is created.

method logger : logger

The logger

method event_system : Unixqueue.unix_event_system

The event system used by the controller. It must not be used from a container.

method restart : unit -> unit

Initiates a restart of all containers: All threads/processes are terminated and replaced by newly initialized ones.

method shutdown : unit -> unit

Initiates a shutdown of all containers. It is no longer possible to add new services. When the shutdown has been completed, the controller will terminate itself. Note that the shutdown is performed asynchronously, i.e. this method returns immediately, and the messaging required to do the shutdown is done in the background.

method send_message : string -> string -> string array -> unit

send_message destination msgname msgargs: Sends a message to destination. When this method returns, it is only ensured that the receivers registered in the controller have been notified about the message (so it can be made sure that any newly forked containers know about the message). It is not guaranteed that the existing containers are notified when this method returns. This can (and usually will) happen at any time in the future.

method send_admin_message : string -> string -> string array -> unit

send_message destination msgname msgargs: Sends an admin message to destination.

See send_message for the notification guarantees.

method register_lever : (controller -> encap -> encap) -> int

let id = register_lever f: It is possible to register a function f in the controller, and run it over the internal RPC interface from any container. These functions are called levers. See activate_lever below. See also Netplex_cenv.Make_lever for a convenient way to create and use levers.

method activate_lever : int -> encap -> encap

Runs the registered lever directly

method containers : container_id list

Lists the containers

method containers_for : string -> container_id list

Lists the containers for a certain socket service name

method container_count : string -> int

The number of containers for a certain socket service name

method free_resources : unit -> unit

Should be called when the controller is finished, in order to free resources again. E.g. plugins are unplugged, and the master sockets are closed.

method startup_directory : string

The current directory at startup time

The controller is the object in the Netplex master process/thread that manages the containers, logging, and service definitions

class type controller_config =
method socket_directory : string

The directory where Unix domain sockets are created. For every service a subdirectory is created, and the socket has the name of the protocol.

This is always an absolute path, even if it is only given as relative path in the config file.

method create_logger : controller -> logger

Create a logger to be used for the whole Netplex system. The controller is already initialized which makes it possible to write the logger as Netplex service. Messages arriving during the creation are queued up and sent afterwards to the new logger.

method max_level : level

Return the maximum global log level

method set_max_level : level -> unit

Set the maximum global log level

class type socket_service =
method name : string

The name of the socket_service is used to identify the service in the whole netplex process cluster. Names are hierarchical; name components are separated by dots (e.g. "company.product.service"). The prefix "netplex." is reserved for use by Netplex. The name "netplex.controller" refers to the service provided by the controller.

method sockets : (string * Unix.file_descr array) list

A socket_service consists of a list of supported protocols which are identified by a name. Every protocol is available on a list of sockets (which may be bound to different addresses). The sockets corresponding to `Container addresses are missing here.

method socket_service_config : socket_service_config

The configuration

method processor : processor

A user-supplied object to process incoming connections

method shutdown : unit -> unit

Shuts down the master sockets

method create_container : parallelization_type -> socket_service -> container

Internal method. Called by the controller to create a new container. The container must match the parallelization type of the controller. This call is already done in the process/thread provided for the container.

method on_add : controller -> unit

Get some runtime configuration aspects from this controller. This is called when the socket service is added to the controller

method startup_directory : string

The current directory at Netplex startup time (same view as controller)

class type socket_service_config =
method name : string

The proposed name for the socket_service

method protocols : protocol list

This list describes the sockets to create in detail

method change_user_to : (int * int) option

Instructs the container to change the user of the process after starting the service. This is only possible in multi-processing mode. In multi-threading mode, this parameter is ignored.

method startup_timeout : float

After this many seconds the container must have finished the post_start_hook. It is usually 60 seconds.

method conn_limit : int option

An optional limit of the number of connections this container can accept. If the limit is reached, the container will not accept any further connections, and shut down when all connections are processed.

method gc_when_idle : bool

If set, idle containers run a Gc.full_major cycle.

method controller_config : controller_config

Make this config accessible here too, for convenience

class type protocol =
method name : string

The protocol name is an arbitrary string identifying groups of sockets serving the same protocol for a socket_service.

method addresses : extended_address array

The addresses of the master sockets. (The socket type is always SOCK_STREAM.) The list must be non-empty.

method lstn_backlog : int

The backlog (argument of Unix.listen)

method lstn_reuseaddr : bool

Whether to reuse ports immediately

method so_keepalive : bool

Whether to set the keep-alive socket option

method tcp_nodelay : bool

Whether to set the TCP_NODELAY option

method configure_slave_socket : Unix.file_descr -> unit

A user-supplied function to configure slave sockets (after accept). The function is called from the process/thread of the container.

class type socket_controller =
method state : socket_state

The current state

method enable : unit -> unit

Enables a disabled socket service again

method disable : unit -> unit

Disable a socket service temporarily

method restart : unit -> unit

Restarts the containers for this socket service only

method shutdown : unit -> unit

Closes the socket service forever, and initiates a shutdown of all containers serving this type of service.

method container_state : (container_id * string * container_state * bool) list
method start_containers : int -> int
method stop_containers : container_id list -> unit
class type ctrl_message_receiver =
method name : string

The name of this receiver

method receive_message : controller -> string -> string array -> unit

This function is called when a broadcast message is received. The first string is the name of the message, and the array are the arguments.

method receive_admin_message : controller -> string -> string array -> unit

This function is called when a broadcast admin message is received. The first string is the name of the message, and the array are the arguments.

class type processor_hooks =
method post_add_hook : socket_service -> controller -> unit

A user-supplied function that is called after the service has been added to the controller

method post_rm_hook : socket_service -> controller -> unit

A user-supplied function that is called after the service has been removed from the controller

method pre_start_hook : socket_service -> controller -> container_id -> unit

A user-supplied function that is called before the container is created and started. It is called from the process/thread of the controller.

method post_start_hook : container -> unit

A user-supplied function that is called after the container is created and started, but before the first service request arrives. It is called from the process/thread of the container.

method pre_finish_hook : container -> unit

A user-supplied function that is called just before the container is terminated. It is called from the process/thread of the container.

method post_finish_hook : socket_service -> controller -> container_id -> unit

A user-supplied function that is called after the container is terminated. It is called from the process/thread of the controller.

method workload_hook : container -> bool -> int -> unit

A user-supplied function that is called when the workload changes, i.e. a new connection has been accepted, or an existing connection could be completely processed. The bool argument is true if the reason is a new connection. The int argument is the number of connections. This function is called from the process/thread of the container.

method receive_message : container -> string -> string array -> unit

This function is called when a broadcast message is received. The first string is the name of the message, and the array are the arguments.

method receive_admin_message : container -> string -> string array -> unit

This function is called when a broadcast admin message is received. The first string is the name of the message, and the array are the arguments.

method system_shutdown : unit -> unit

A user-supplied function that is called when a system shutdown notification arrives. This notification is just for information that every container of the system will soon be shut down. The system is still completely up at the time this notification arrives, so if the services of other components are required to go down this is the right point in time to do that (e.g. send important data to a storage component).

method shutdown : unit -> unit

A user-supplied function that is called when a shutdown notification arrives. That means that the container should terminate ASAP. There is, however, no time limitation. The termination is started by calling the when_done function passed to the process method.

method global_exception_handler : exn -> bool

This method is called when an uncaught exception would otherwise terminate the container. It can return true to indicate that the container continues running.

method container_event_system : unit -> Unixqueue.event_system

This method is called to get the event systems for containers. This is normally a Unixqueue.standard_event_system, but users can override it.

method container_run : Unixqueue.event_system -> unit

container_run esys: By default, it just runs esys#run(). This method is called to run the event system of the containers. Users can override it.

Processor hooks can be used to modify the behavior of a processor. See [root:Netplex_intro].servproc for some documentation about the hooks.

class type processor =
inherit processor_hooks
method process : when_done:(unit -> unit) -> container -> Unix.file_descr -> string -> unit

A user-supplied function that is called when a new socket connection is established. The function can now process the requests arriving over the connection. It is allowed to use the event system of the container, and to return immediately (multiplexing processor). It is also allowed to process the requests synchronously and to first return to the caller when the connection is terminated.

The function must call when_done to indicate that it processed this connection completely.

The string argument is the protocol name.

method supported_ptypes : parallelization_type list

The supported parallelization types

The processor is the object that is notified when a new TCP connection is accepted. The processor has to include the protocol interpreter that reads and write data on this connection. See [root:Netplex_intro].defproc for an example how to define a processor.

class type container =
method socket_service_name : string
method socket_service : socket_service
method container_id : container_id

Return the container ID

method ptype : parallelization_type

The parallelization type actually used for this container

method event_system : Unixqueue.unix_event_system

The event system the container uses

method start : Unix.file_descr -> Unix.file_descr -> unit

Internal Method. Called by the controller to start the container. It is the responsibility of the container to call the post_start_hook and the pre_finish_hook.

The file descriptors are endpoints of RPC connections to the controller. The first serves calls of the Control program, and the second serves calls of the System program.

When start returns the container will be terminated.

method shutdown : unit -> unit

Initiates a shutdown of the container.

method n_connections : int

The current number of connections

method n_total : int

The sum of all connections so far

method system : Rpc_client.t

An RPC client that can be used to send messages to the controller. Only available while start is running. It is bound to System.V1.

In multi-threaded programs access to system must be governed by system_monitor. See [root:Uq_mt] for details what this means.

method system_monitor : Uq_mt.monitor

The thread monitor protecting the system RPC client

method lookup : string -> string -> string option

lookup service_name protocol_name tries to find a Unix domain socket for the service and returns it.

method lookup_container_sockets : string -> string -> string array

lookup_container_sockets service_name protocol_name: returns the Unix Domain paths of all container sockets for this service and protocol. These are the sockets declared with address type "container" in the config file.

method owned_container_sockets : (string * string) list

List of pairs (protocol_name, path) of all container sockets of this container

method send_message : string -> string -> string array -> unit

send_message service_pattern msg_name msg_arguments: Sends a message to all services and message receivers matching service_pattern. The pattern may include the wildcard *.

See the Netplex_types.controller.send_message method for the notification guarantees.

method log : level -> string -> unit

Sends a log message to the controller.

method log_subch : string -> level -> string -> unit

Sends a log message to the controller. The first string is the subchannel

method update_detail : Unix.file_descr -> string -> unit

Update the detail string output for the netplex.connections admin message

method var : string -> param_value_or_any

Returns the value of a container variable or Not_found. Container variables can be used by the user of a container to store additional values in the container. These values exist once per thread/process.

method set_var : string -> param_value_or_any -> unit

Sets the value of a container variable

method call_plugin : plugin -> string -> Xdr.xdr_value -> Xdr.xdr_value

call_plugin p procname procarg: This method can be called from the container context to invoke the plugin p procedure procname. This means that the ctrl_receive_call of the same plugin is invoked in the controller context.

method activate_lever : int -> encap -> encap

Runs a lever function registered in the controller. The int argument identifies the lever. The encap argument is the parameter, and the returned exception is the result. See also Netplex_cenv.Make_lever for a convenient way to create and use levers.

method startup_directory : string

The current directory at Netplex startup time (same view as controller)

Containers encapsulate the control flow of the service components. A container is run in a separate thread or process.

Thread safety: All methods except start can be called from any thread, and provide full thread safety.

class type workload_manager =
method hello : controller -> unit

Called by the controller when the service is added

method shutdown : unit -> unit

Called by the controller to notify the manager about a shutdown

method adjust : socket_service -> socket_controller -> unit

This function is called by the controller at certain events to adjust the number of available containers. The manager can call start_containers and stop_containers to change the system.

The function is called right after the startup to ensure that there are containers to serve requests. It is also called:

  • just after a connection has been accepted and before it is decided which container will have the chance to accept in the round
  • after the shutdown of a container

Of course, the workload manager is free to adjust the load at any other time, too, not only when adjust is called.

method capacity : container_id -> container_state -> capacity

Computes the capacity, i.e. the number of jobs a certain container can accept in addition to the existing load.

See [root:Netplex_workload] for definitions of workload managers

class type plugin =
method required : plugin list

Required plugins

method program : Rpc_program.t

The RPC program structure on which the messaging bases. The program, version and procedure numbers are ignored

method ctrl_added : controller -> unit

This method is invoked when the plugin has been added to this controller. Note that plugins can be added to several controllers.

method ctrl_unplugged : controller -> unit

The plugin has been unplugged from this controller

method ctrl_receive_call : controller -> container_id -> string -> Xdr.xdr_value -> (Xdr.xdr_value option -> unit) -> unit

ctrl_receive_call ctrl cid procname procarg emit: This method is called in the controller context ctrl when a procedure named procname is called. In procarg the argument of the procedure is passed. cid is the container ID from where the call originates. To pass the result r of the call back to the caller, is is required to call emit (Some r) (either immediately, or at some time in the future). By calling emit None, an error condition is propagated back to the caller.

method ctrl_container_finished : controller -> container_id -> bool -> unit

This method is called when a container finishes (after post_finish_hook). The boolean is true if the container is the last of the terminated socket service.

Plugins are extensions of the Netplex system that run in the controller and can be invoked from containers

class type par_thread =
method ptype : parallelization_type
method sys_id : thread_sys_id

Returns a system-dependent identifier for the thread:

  • `Thread id: The id as returned by Thread.id
  • `Process id: The id is the process ID
method info_string : string

Outputs the process or thread ID

method watch_shutdown : Unixqueue.unix_event_system -> unit

Called by the controller if it thinks the container is down. This method must not be called outside the internal Netplex implementation!

method parallelizer : parallelizer

Returns the parallelizer that created this thread. Can be used to start another thread of the same type.

class type parallelizer =
method ptype : parallelization_type
method init : unit -> unit

Initializes the main process for usage with this parallelizer. This method must not be called outside the internal Netplex implementation!

method start_thread : (par_thread -> unit) -> Unix.file_descr list -> Unix.file_descr list -> string -> logger -> par_thread

start_thread f l_close l_share name logger: Starts a new thread or process and calls f thread in that context. Before this is done, file descriptors are closed, controlled by the parameters l_close and l_share. The descriptors in l_close are always closed. The descriptors in l_share are not closed. The implementation of the parallelizer is free to close a reasonable set of descriptors, and l_close is the minimum, and all - l_share is the maximum.

There is no way to check when the thread terminates.

It is allowed that the par_thread object passed to f is a different object as the returned par_thread object.

method create_mem_mutex : unit -> (unit -> unit) * (unit -> unit)

let lock, unlock = par#create_mem_locker(): Creates a mutex that is sufficient to protect process memory from uncoordinated access. The function lock obtains the lock, and unlock releases it.

method current_sys_id : [
| `Thread of int
| `Process of int

Returns the system-dependent thread identifier of the caller

type config_tree = [
| `Section of string * config_tree list
| `Parameter of string * param_value
type address = < >
class type config_file =
method filename : string
method tree : config_tree
method root_addr : address
method root_name : string
method resolve_section : address -> string -> address list
method resolve_parameter : address -> string -> address
method print : address -> string
method string_param : address -> string
method int_param : address -> int
method float_param : address -> float
method bool_param : address -> bool
method restrict_subsections : address -> string list -> unit
method restrict_parameters : address -> string list -> unit
class type processor_factory =
method name : string
method create_processor : controller_config -> config_file -> address -> processor
class type workload_manager_factory =
method name : string
method create_workload_manager : controller_config -> config_file -> address -> workload_manager
class type logger_factory =
method name : string
method create_logger : config_file -> address -> controller -> logger
class type netplex_config =
method ptype : parallelization_type
method controller_config : controller_config