
module Utils

: sig

Generic support code (not 0install-specific)

Error handling

val finally_do : ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b

finally cleanup x f calls f x and then cleanup x (even if f x raised an exception) *

val handle_exceptions : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b

handle_exceptions main args runs main args. If it throws an exception it reports it in a user-friendly way. A Safe_exception is displayed with its context. If stack-traces are enabled, one will be displayed. If not then, if the exception isn't a Safe_exception, the user is told how to enable them. On error, it calls exit 1. On success, it returns.


val first_match : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b option

Return the first non-None result of fn item for items in the list.

val filter_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list

List the non-None results of fn item

val filter_map_array : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a array -> 'b list

List the non-None results of fn item

val slice : start:int -> ?stop:int -> 'a list -> 'a list

Extract a sub-list.

System utilities

val makedirs : Common.system -> Common.filepath -> Unix.file_perm -> unit

makedirs path mode ensures that path is a directory, creating it and any missing parents (using mode) if not.

val getenv_ex : < getenv : string -> 'a option; .. > -> string -> 'a

Wrapper for Sys.getenv that gives a more user-friendly exception message.

val find_in_path : Common.system -> Common.filepath -> Common.filepath option

Try to guess the full path of the executable that the user means. On Windows, we add a ".exe" extension if it's missing. If the name contains a dir_sep, just check that abspath name exists. Otherwise, search $PATH for it. On Windows, we also search '.' first. This mimicks the behaviour the Windows shell.

val find_in_path_ex : Common.system -> Common.filepath -> Common.filepath
val check_output : ?env:string array -> ?stderr:[<
| `FD of Unix.file_descr
| `Stdout
] -> ?reaper:(int -> unit) -> Common.system -> (Pervasives.in_channel -> 'a) -> string list -> 'a

Spawn a subprocess with the given arguments and call fn channel on its output.

val read_upto : int -> Pervasives.in_channel -> string

Read up to n bytes from ch (less if we hit end-of-file.

val is_dir : < stat : Common.filepath -> Unix.stats option; .. > -> Common.filepath -> bool
val touch : Common.system -> Common.filepath -> unit
val read_file : Common.system -> Common.filepath -> string
val parse_ini : Common.system -> (string -> string * string -> unit) -> Common.filepath -> unit

parse_ini system fn path calls fn section (key, value) on each key=value line in path.

val rmtree : even_if_locked:bool -> Common.system -> Common.filepath -> unit
val make_tmp_dir : < mkdir : string -> int -> unit; .. > -> ?prefix:string -> ?mode:int -> string -> string

Create a randomly-named subdirectory inside parent.

val copy_channel : Pervasives.in_channel -> Pervasives.out_channel -> unit

Copy from ic to oc until End_of_file

val copy_file : Common.system -> Common.filepath -> Common.filepath -> Unix.file_perm -> unit

Copy source to dest. Error if dest already exists.

val print : Common.system -> ('a, unit, string, unit) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val starts_with : string -> string -> bool


val ends_with : string -> string -> bool
val string_tail : string -> int -> string
val split_pair : Str.regexp -> string -> string * string
val safe_int_of_string : string -> int
val path_is_absolute : string -> bool


val normpath : string -> Common.filepath

Normalize a path, e.g. A//B, A/./B and A/foo/../B all become A/B. It should be understood that this may change the meaning of the path if it contains symbolic links (use realpath instead if you care about that). Based on the Python version.

val abspath : Common.system -> Common.filepath -> Common.filepath

If the given path is relative, make it absolute by prepending the current directory to it.

val realpath : Common.system -> Common.filepath -> Common.filepath

Get the canonical name of this path, resolving all symlinks. If a symlink cannot be resolved, treat it as a regular file. If there is a symlink loop, no resolution is done for the remaining components.

val re_dash : Str.regexp

Regular expressions

val re_slash : Str.regexp
val re_space : Str.regexp
val re_tab : Str.regexp
val re_dir_sep : Str.regexp

/ on Unix

val re_path_sep : Str.regexp

: on Unix

val re_colon : Str.regexp
val re_equals : Str.regexp
val re_semicolon : Str.regexp
val format_time : Unix.tm -> string

Dates and times

val format_time_pretty : Unix.tm -> string
val format_date : Unix.tm -> string
val format_size : Int64.t -> string
val stream_of_lines : string -> string Stream.t
val make_command : Common.system -> string list -> Lwt_process.command
val xdg_open_dir : ?exec:bool -> Common.system -> Common.filepath -> unit

Open this directory with the user's preferred file manager.

val async : (unit -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit

Don't wait for the result of this Lwt thread. If it throws an exception, log it.

val with_switch : (Lwt_switch.t -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t

Create a switch, run fn switch, then finally turn it off.
