
module As_action

: sig

Actions to generate new files.

type action
val create : ?dir:string -> ('a, unit, string, action) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val seq : action list -> action
val mkdir : As_resolver.t -> string -> action
type 'a t = 'a -> As_resolver.t -> As_flags.t -> action
type file = [
| `Dep of [
| `Ml
| `Mli
| `Ml
| `Mli
| `C
| `Js
| `Cmt
| `Cmti
| `Cmi
| `Cmo
| `Cmx
| `O
| `So
| `Cma
| `Cmxa
| `Cmxs
| `A
| `Byte
| `Native
| `Dir
| `Source of file
| `Ext of string
| `Other of string -> string
module FileSet : sig
include Set.S with type elt = file
val to_list : t -> file list
val of_list : file list -> t
type 'a node = [
| `Self of file
| `Phony of string
| `N of 'a * file
type 'a rule = {
# phase
: As_flags.phase;
# targets
: 'a node list;
# prereqs
: 'a node list;
# action
: 'a t;
val rule : phase:As_flags.phase -> targets:'a node list -> prereqs:'a node list -> 'a t -> 'a rule
val string_of_file : string -> file -> string
val empty : 'a t
val run : 'a t -> 'a -> As_resolver.t -> As_flags.t -> string list