
module As_env

: sig

Command runtime environment.

Setup environements

type setup = {
# auto_load
: bool;(*true to add assemblage lib to includes.*)
# includes
: string list;(*includes to add to toploop execution.*)
# assemble_file
: string;(*file to execute.*)
# exec_status
: [
| `Ok of unit
| `Error of string

The type for setup environments.

This is only used by the assemblage tool. It determines the environment in which assemble.ml will be executed and the result of that execution.

val parse_setup : unit -> setup

parse_setup () must be called by the assemblage tool.

This function is not called by assemble.ml files (and thus not called if the assemble.ml file is used as a standalone executable).

val get_setup : unit -> setup option

get_setup () returns the setup environment, if any.

Command runtime environments

type t = {
# setup
: setup option;
# verbose
: bool;
# color
: [
| `Auto
| `Always
| `Never
# utf8_msgs
: bool;

The type for command runtime environments.

val create : setup option -> bool -> [
| `Auto
| `Always
| `Never
] -> t

create setup verbose color is an environement with the corresponding parameters or as overriden by Sys.env values.

val created : unit -> bool

true if an environment value was created with created

val variable_docs : (string * string) list

variable_docs is a list of environement variables and their documentation
