
module OOChannel

: sig

Object Oriented Channel

class type ['a] obj_input_channel =
method close_in : unit -> unit
method get : unit -> 'a

Generic input channel Have the same interface of Polymorphic input channel of http://www.ocaml-programming.de/rec/IO-Classes.html All channels of Camomile having this interface must confirm the behaviour defined in the recommendation above.

class type ['a] obj_output_channel =
method close_out : unit -> unit

If close_oout cannot output all buffered objects, flush raises Failure

If flush cannot output all buffered objects, flush raises Failure

method flush : unit -> unit
method put : 'a -> unit

Generic output channel Have the same interface of Polymorphic output channel of http://www.ocaml-programming.de/rec/IO-Classes.html All channels of Camomile having this interface must confirm the behaviour defined in the recommendation above.

class ['a] channel_of_stream : 'a Stream.t -> ['a] obj_input_channel

Convert stream to obj_input_channel

val stream_of_channel : 'a #obj_input_channel -> 'a Stream.t

Convert obj_input_channel to stream

class type char_input_channel =
method input : string -> int -> int -> int
method close_in : unit -> unit

Character(byte) input channel. Have the same interface of octet input channel of http://www.ocaml-programming.de/rec/IO-Classes.html All channels of Camomile having this interface must confirm the behaviour defined in the recommendation above. In addition, all channels are assumed to be blocking. If you supply a non-blocking channel to Camomile API, the outcome is undefined.

class type char_output_channel =
method output : string -> int -> int -> int
method flush : unit -> unit
method close_out : unit -> unit

Character(byte) output channel. Have the same interface of octet input channel of http://www.ocaml-programming.de/rec/IO-Classes.html All channels of Camomile having this interface must confirm the behaviour defined in the recommendation above. In addition, all channels are assumed to be blocking. If you supply a non-blocking channel to Camomile API, the outcome is undefined.

class char_input_channel_of : char #obj_input_channel -> char_input_channel

Convert a polymorphic input channel to a character input channel

class char_obj_input_channel_of : char_input_channel -> [char] obj_input_channel

Convert a character input channel to a polymorphic input channel

class char_output_channel_of : char #obj_output_channel -> char_output_channel

Convert a polymorphic output channel to a character output channel

class char_obj_output_channel_of : char_output_channel -> [char] obj_output_channel

Convert a character output channel to a polymorphic output channel

class of_in_channel : Pervasives.in_channel -> char_input_channel

Convert an OCaml input channel to an OO-based character input channel

class of_out_channel : Pervasives.out_channel -> char_output_channel

Convert an OCaml output channel to an OO-based character output channel
